
Karneval: Gareki

Touya Mikanagi, Karneval, Gareki, Vector Art
Touya Mikanagi Mangaka Karneval Series Gareki Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

I've been workin on this (on/off) for 2 weeks or so .. and now it's finally done :D my 1st vector *O*

Original scan: http://www.zerochan.net/243641

No other submissions


  1. hendou Aug 31, 2010

    ur doing good in your first atempt :DD i see.. you only used the stroke path method in making the lineart :DD nice.. you're better than me :DD look at my first try.. :DD


  2. Aynaayna5000 Sep 01, 2010

    Quote by hendouur doing good in your first atempt :DD i see.. you only used the stroke path method in making the lineart :DD nice.. you're better than me :DD look at my first try.. :DD


    haha thanx yeah, i tried my best using the pen tool :P still i wouldn't say that i'm better than u .. your colonello wallie looks really good *O*

  3. angel26278 Jun 14, 2013

    Beautiful drawing! I love his expression!
    Gareki-kun always looks kawaii

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