Beautiful wallpaper, i love it
Artist Comment
I had a long break and didn't make any papers for two months. I still have problems with matching stock photos and arts, but I'm trying to improve my skill. Of course, some day I will become a super-paper-maker, but not now.
I wanted to do some black and white wall. So Range Muratas art+ stock photo of dancing hall+ textures and brushes = and here we go. But it seems to me that it still needs something more, but a can't understand what.
Photoshop Cs2
Time: 3 hours
Text: Melissa Williamson - letter from the lost days
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Apollinaria73 Sep 14, 2010
zwei89 Sep 18, 2010
the girl looks a bit like she is floating. maybe darken her shadows? just a random suggestion. i still like the wallpaper though. feels like there is a deep meaning to it. :D
RoseyFanFan Feb 12, 2011
aww so sweet <3 Thank you so much!
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