She's giving me too much credit.
We have such different style, Kara ended up working more.
Glad is finally done, hope you gals like it. =]

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
This wallpaper of a certain Sawada Tsunafish is a collaboration between the awesome and myself which we started back in February and has been
bottle-necked at my end for the last six month >_<
It was meant to be a birthday present for our imouto Aqi
and neechan Eeva, except it's now almost half a
year late, thanks to me OTL
Soooooo.... Happy suuuuper belated birthday guys!
Tina outlined Tsuna and changed his ugly jumpsuit to an awesome mafioso outfit. She also painted the flames, his skin and mouth. I coloured the rest and added the background. I think it was a bit of a challenge for the both of us this time because it wasn't straight vectoring. Since we changed it a lot from the original scan, we had to make a lot of things up.
Scan: here
Background: Vectored based off this
Shapes and layers: ~300 (sort of lost count because some layers got renamed)
Time: Spanned over 6months, no idea how long if it was condensed down. It's been too long >.<
Easiest part: nothing was too hard or too easy really
Hardest part: thinking of what to do with the background and getting the motivation to do it
Anyways, I don't know how to end it so I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Tina for being the most patient person
in the world <3
As usual, comments, faves, suggestions, critisms, etc, etc are always greately appreciated.
Edit: Oh yeah, please use it for your desktops only. No reuploading to other sites, etc. without permission. If I see my stuff on another pack of cards or something in China, Imma be very pissed D:<
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Tina18 Aug 22, 2010
aqiaqua Aug 22, 2010
I ? you guys. This was really good to see, I've had a tough day and will continue to, so this really brightened up my day to see it :). Better late than never, ne?
The detail of the hair and fire is absolutely amazing. the setting is really well done too, perspective and all. effort factor ? much love guys
Alenas Retired Moderator Aug 22, 2010
Love the dusk atmosphere and the city in the background. Nice job on the vector and fire, too, it sure looks awesome. The orange highlights on the clothes and glove add up to the nice lighting though I'm not really fond of those long eye highlights, it looks like Tsuna is beaming laser beams out of his eyes, lol.
Nevertheless, this is awesome and you both did a great job! :D
EevaLeena Aug 22, 2010
Everything look awesome! Love the flames, and great job for changing his clothes! Look much better (^_^) And the bg is awesome too! Tunafish is much ?. Great job, you two!
Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 22, 2010
Love how you angled the BG and really made them both blend together nicely.
My only big complaint is just about Tsuna's left eye, seems really oddly placed, could
just be the way it was draw. Which in case would not be your fault, though it wouldn't hurt
to try tweaking :3 Wonderful job, great to see something from you. -
trofikabinet Aug 22, 2010
Omgomg, it's here :3
I absolutely love the outcome of it, Tsunafinsh looks so awesome.
I think everything is perfect, the fire is really great.
Great job both of you ^^ -
vitaamin Aug 22, 2010
great colors + very ambitious effort indeed.
i think the thick outlines in the background break the flow, less geometric shapes definitely would help the viewer focus less on that part of the wall. also although there isnt much you could have done, but he needs to be moved over more towards the center, or you should have recged him bigger, just to leave less empty space. alternatively you cuold have placed a building or something closer to him to draw more focus.but all of that is just kind of nitpicky. this is really a fantastic wall
PunkyDarkmoon Aug 22, 2010
So cool wallpaper I love Tsuna is very cute ^^
SoulLoki Aug 22, 2010
Go Go Tsuna ^^
Reborn is so good
srsn Aug 23, 2010
Already commented in AP...hehe
13KiHaeChul Aug 24, 2010
He is very smartsI like picture .
rizacaga Aug 24, 2010
you both did a really good job!
i love all the effects...and all the vector parts look amazing.and nice color...;) -
lynixe Aug 25, 2010
Tsuna look awesome here
love the orange and the balance brown
nice background too
pianistco Aug 26, 2010
Wow! very cool! I like it
shizuneyuki8720 Aug 27, 2010
woah! i like it soooo much! chakaaa!
Fran Retired Moderator Aug 28, 2010
I came, downloaded and I faved
animanga Aug 29, 2010
Awesome wall! I love all the different colours in the sky, and the smoggy look. You handled the orange lighting from the fire really well. :)
monokota Aug 30, 2010
beautiful ! Thanks for sharing :D
lastwilight Aug 30, 2010
Awesome wall! Just love the background. Tsuna looks so cool here. Thanks for sharing!
SHERLAND Sep 03, 2010
this looked cool man awesome
Rafa009 Sep 06, 2010
nice wall thanks for sharing
Feychan Sep 06, 2010
Thanks a lot for the wallpaper, it's great!
dragon123 Sep 12, 2010
So cool wallpaper I love Tsuna is very cute
missmurderdoll Mute Member Sep 12, 2010
Thats great! i love it!
thank you so much! n.-
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