
Fullmetal Alchemist: Cold Flame, Hot Metal

Hiromu Arakawa, BONES, Fullmetal Alchemist, Roy Mustang, Edward Elric
Hiromu Arakawa Mangaka BONES Studio Fullmetal Alchemist Series Roy Mustang Character Edward Elric Character


Artist Comment

This vector is a gift, just like Toki wo Kizamu Uta, but this time it is for a friend who is not here on MT. She's a fan of FMA, so I decided to dedicate this vector to her.

When I saw the original scan (linked below), I knew that I would do something with it one day or another. Then, some weeks ago, I stumbled upon it while I was searching for new scans to vector on my HDD. Well, it was impossible for me to ignore the call of that picture; I simply love it, and since the scan was pretty big, but was cursed with jpeg artifacts, I thought that to have a "better" version available would be awesome, and that people would maybe like to do wallpapers with it. The original final result was bigger, but since Minitokyo has a size restriction, I had to resize it.

The title is "Cold Flame, Hot Metal" because of the opposition between fire and steel, and between cold ant hot. Also, this is a kind of interpretation of the characters : even though Roy is the Flame Alchemist, he is usually calm and collected while Ed is more impulsive.

And now, the technical details :

Original scan : This scan, on moe.imouto.org
Extracted PNG : Available on Render-Graphiques or here. (*UPDATE* : it seems that both Render-Graphqiues and tinypic resized the PNG version... I can give you the original one, who is 3953x4673 if you need it; just ask ;) )
Total time : 20 hours, including 1 hour lost with Photoshop crashing...
Easier parts : Coloring! When I was sick and tired of lineart, I was coloring it in order to change my mind (usually, I’m more methodic :P).
Harder parts : The lineart. It wasn’t that hard… it’s only that I used to do it by tracing a path, and then the “Stroke path” option. It was my first attempt at doing lineart using “Fill Path” or Vector masks (like what I use for the coloring). The lines are therefore far from perfect in my opinion, but I’ll welcome any suggestions since I hope to improve myself.
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.
PSD Size : 66.6 MB
Number of Layers : 59 (2 for the lineart, 1 for the background, the rest for the coloring)
And, a progress pic

NOTE : DO NOT upload elsewhere and claim it as your own work. Please credit if used, and send me a link to your work (either in my guestbook or by MP); I would love to see what you did!

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  1. kamumu Aug 12, 2010

    roy!~~so handsome`~~
    good job!~
    ?????? ???????

  2. Dollydi Aug 12, 2010

    Very nice, I realy like this draw ! I like Fullmetal Alchemist .

  3. Suzukaseed Aug 14, 2010

    (^o^)//... Roy and Ed... whoa!... and title is perfect to this vector
    "Cold Flame, Hot Metal"... you are very good creating vectors... I hope
    to be able to make some so good ones as yours... and expressions
    of the boys are also very good... roy looks very handsome... (^.^).


  4. lenaelric Aug 18, 2010

    For me, it is the best vector of FMA :D

  5. adith04 Aug 23, 2010

    How can I not see this before? This is really good! Awesome vector, and the details are top-notch.. Great job. ^_^

  6. cityofangel Dec 11, 2010

    Love this vector! Great job!..

  7. MysteriousKnight244 Jan 17, 2011

    ahahaha.... i really like it. good job ^_^

  8. Nyaou Mar 04, 2011

    Fma est mon manga pr

  9. kamuinoyume May 02, 2011

    I love this vector! It brings back such fond memories!

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