very very God thank you !^-^
Artist Comment
Entry for 's "Tell me
what you mean" contest.
I wasn't really planning on entering, since I've been pretty busy lately, and shouldn't even be on the computer right now >__< But wanting to procrastinate, I suddenly had this urge to try something.
I went to a random phrase generator, and I wanted to wall whatever came out of that XD this generator spewed out this phrase:
"A king never dies, just sleeps."
and I immediately thought of Lelouch. I found this scan, which was perfect for the idea I had. For the background, I used this scan.
The hardest part was figuring out where to put sleeping Lelouch, and fit him in the environment without looking awkward... and also to block out Suzaku and sitting Lelouch (taking out Suzaku was especially challenging, 'cause he's exactly where I don't want him to be XD), oh, and manipulating those annoying chains. Lots of cutting and pasting and sewing and cloning later, this is the result.
Non-wide screen looks better 'cause less is cut off. But I've put up wide screen versions at EDD.
(wait what, I made another wall in August even though I said I wouldn't get a chance to? XD This is really spur of the moment...)
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takizawa Aug 09, 2010
mbeckley Aug 09, 2010
Its exquiste 'Rose~
Brilliant job you've done. :) -
Lalasayso Aug 09, 2010
That looks pretty nice :D
chanelqueen17 Aug 09, 2010
Excellent work! Lelouch' extraction and position is pretty much flawless considering the original scan.
Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 09, 2010
Really nice to see such a change, I love when people think outside the box :3
I saw this on EDD first, loved the atmoshpere and changes you did to enhance
his presence in the wall. -
CafeClub Aug 09, 2010
huge fan of lelouch! I love the colours!
zaira Aug 09, 2010
Kinda misses CG and lulu. This one is so peaceful and i do like the lighting effects.
Awesome job as always! good luck with the competition! ^^, +fav! -
gfh99 Aug 10, 2010
this is gorgeos!
Awesome work!;) -
pureblood98 Aug 10, 2010
waw! cool! haha. random generators are always good sources of ideas..
laguna1811 Aug 10, 2010
Very pretty... and Lelouch~dear... ;___;
serpent00 Aug 10, 2010
wow this looks very good!
bafyte Aug 10, 2010
This wallpaper is absolutely amazing! I have to give it 10/10 if rating. Very emotional and very good use of colour. It shows excatly Lelouch's goal it the series Code Geass'
hebechou Mute Member Aug 10, 2010
nice wallie...
very peaceful...
thanks for sharing.. -
john12071989 Aug 12, 2010
Nice lighting and title, fits this wall perfectly
drknessangel Aug 12, 2010
really luv how the lighting is not too bright yet not too dim for the eyes to be called beautiful, naturally calming xD
chocoripeyes Aug 14, 2010
i loooooooveee this! amazinggg! great work!
banhxilovely0310 Aug 14, 2010
thanks for sharing
crmc13 Aug 14, 2010
this is awesome <3
i love the atmosphere + lelouch! :DDD -
kai Aug 15, 2010
Beautiful.....absolutely gorgeous. He looks way too angelic to be true, XD . The title is very fitting as well, great work.
sailorchiron Aug 16, 2010
I adore this. The execution is stunning, of course, and the colors and lighting are wonderful. And it's for my contest! *dances* Good work Maple!
angel26278 Aug 17, 2010
very nice, and very well lighted.. Congratulations for this great work! go to my favorites
JCzala Aug 19, 2010
Execution is beyond amazing! I'm in awe with the effects and beautifully lighted areas, and the deep colors blended so well. This is a gorgeous work of art.
HaruhiSakura Aug 19, 2010
Lelouch and purple! what a good combination >w< thank you
screxmo Aug 27, 2010
Doushite omae ga shinda? Ore wa wakaranai! T__T
All Hail Lelouch!
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