
SaiKano Wallpaper: Your world is on fire

Shin Takahashi, Gonzo, SaiKano, Chise Wallpaper
Shin Takahashi Mangaka Gonzo Studio SaiKano Series Chise Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi everyone!

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Too close, you're too close
Too close, too close to the wire
Too close, you're too close
Too close, your world's on fire
//The Prodigy
World's on fire @ Youtube

Again, a scan of Chise I couldn't resist x'D
Isn't she cute? *^w^*
Inspiration from the Worlds on Fire, as mentioned above.

I've thinking for a long time to vector this scan, but the outlines were a too big mess until I decided to scale it down o_O;
As the scan was sketchy I played with the contrast by using fewer outlines and a fewer number of colurs, with some strong parts that highlights nice detalis. I can say that the making of the eyes were a nightmare -_-; totally different scribbled lines on each eye that should be made equally. Lol.
It took some days to finish the vector, I had to improvise all the time since there were like 20 lines in one stoke in all possible directions...
The background were remade for about 3 times with different styles. I coulden't choose, I'm not used to make such abstract stuff, and I think the bg is always so hard to come up with...
The symbols to the left is from top and down; radioactivity, compass, the nuclear symbol. (because it's cool and fits in the concept xD)
The right side is maybe little messy, Someone noticed on animepaper.net, and the reason is that I made it in 16600x1200 px from the very beginning (I always made walls in that resolution, until now! WIDESCREEEN ftw!) I call it rearranged, not messy.

Adding texture though were really fun. I think newspapertexture is really nice. I hope you notice her shirt. [Missiles *o*]
Pixel-textures @ k10k.net
and newspaperstuff from almighty google!
If you can't see what's going on in the down right corner, its burning, people running because their world's on fire and the dog is dead.

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  1. sailorchiron Aug 06, 2010

    The important details of your wallpaper are not in description, such as how you made it, if you did the vector, the time it took on the vector, if you borrowed it, credit for it, etc. It's a very nice wallpaper, it just needs a little more info.

  2. Tifa-chan Aug 08, 2010

    Love your wallpaper! the vector is very nice! congratulations for make such a wallpaper of Saikano! =D

  3. aDArun Aug 08, 2010

    yes it is c

  4. Nubes Aug 13, 2010

    this is a different side of Chise... I mean, this is only about the colors... just perfect!

  5. monokota Aug 19, 2010

    it's really good, thanks for sharing :D

  6. missmurderdoll Mute Member Sep 12, 2010

    really cute wallpaper, thanks!

  7. kushidisama Mar 21, 2011

    really good,this is diferent wallpaper

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