i really like it :D
she kind of looks like a creepy doll xD
she's my favorite character in paradise kiss :)
Artist Comment
Well, I'm not sure if I'm particularly happy with this one, with how it turned out. Anyhow...
I stumbled on this scan of Miwako - it was rather pixelated and filled with noise, which I attempted to cover up with overlays. However, it almost seems her hair is way to saturated / sharp. I tried to fix it by duplicating her layer and by lessening her saturation; but, I'm afraid it looks like it made it worse. Nevertheless, I was happy with how the darkness and colors came out - I did numerous gradient maps and photofilters.
For the background (with the red and green), I took stocks of crumpled up colored-paper and added color balances. Then, I went to the filters and did a Median Blur - I thought it gave it a nice soft look. I added some high resolution brushes; one of a tree and another of a butterfly wing. I wanted some text to go along with the render - something sharp and eye-catching to add to the render.
For the title of this piece, I considered Miwako's innocence in telling the truth and in wanting to keep from hurting people. Even though she always wants to be valued for herself and not her older famous sister, she's very open about how she feels. She listens intently and tries to give the best honest advice possible. Her simple words may seem childish, but simple words can mean more than anything.
When I watched the series, I thought she was an intriguing character - appearing child-like, but pretty strong and determined. I had always wanted to make a wall of her, and when I saw this scan, I thought her facial expression was perfect.
Comments are always appreciated!
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FaiRies6753 Jul 30, 2010
missmurderdoll Mute Member Sep 12, 2010
really cute wallpaper, thanks!
drogodp Feb 24, 2011
really like it :D
she kind of looks like a creepy doll xD
she's my favorite character in paradise kiss :)
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