
Mardock Scramble Wallpaper: Disturbia

Mardock Scramble, Eufcoque Penteano, Rune Balut, Vector Art Wallpaper
Mardock Scramble Series Eufcoque Penteano Character Rune Balut Character Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This was my entry for AP Clash Elimination Challenge, Round 1 [The human condition]

I stumbled upon this Mardock Scramble scan a week or two before the clash started, and thought: wow, I really wanna do this one... but ended up just saving it to my computer. When they announced the theme, I figured I had seen just the kinda of scan to match my slightly dark, philosophical interpretation of it ^^. Not as creative as I may usually be, but technically all in all a pretty hard hard one to pull off.

buildings: brushes by hiraoka & starwalt @ DA
lace stock: looked for my camera and took some pics from bits of lace in my mom's sewing kit XD

more resolutions @ Animepaper

No other submissions


  1. ala21ddin21 Jul 20, 2010

    Really Nice wallpaper ^^ You already know that! :)
    Congratulations for the first round! Good luck for the coming rounds Julie ^^

  2. NarcissistII Jul 20, 2010

    Very stylish, love the setting. :)

  3. Yamibou-Eve Jul 20, 2010

    This has got to be one of my favorite walls from you!
    The harder the scan the better your skills are shown.
    Great painting as always, you made her more realistic and I love her hair and eyes, beautiful!
    Nice shiny mouse, maybe a little more defined light reflection on her face, arm and necklace would be better. The original scan doesn't have that either, why? light shines and sparkles beautifully on water!
    And more light on some parts of her body, like the legs :)

  4. espada001 Jul 20, 2010

    wow this looks super super great i loved the details on this wall is she lee from dgm ?

  5. zaira Jul 21, 2010

    Agree with Yamibou, this wall is one of your best walls!
    Awesome painting as always and love the water effects as well! +fav! ^^,

  6. Sbab Jul 21, 2010

    The water effect is incredible O_O
    Thez reflection of the buildings looks so great, you really did a good job on this. And of course the character is beautiful too =)

  7. mina-world Jul 21, 2010

    So beautiful, I love her Dress
    Keep up the good work *o*

  8. pureblood98 Jul 21, 2010

    this is sooo cool! that scan was hard! suuper..

  9. crmc13 Jul 22, 2010

    oh. i do agree that this wallie is one of the best you have. :)
    the hair is great & everything makes it sooooo pretty <3
    better than the original scan. <3
    you're so great.^^
    ++fave :DD

  10. DevAngelLX Jul 22, 2010

    I like style and colors, great work
    thanks for shareing

  11. Tifa-chan Jul 22, 2010

    Love the wallpaper!
    this image is very beautiful! congratulations!

  12. Chloe Retired Moderator Jul 22, 2010

    Love the details! Her hair is fabulous =D
    Great job!

  13. gfh99 Jul 23, 2010

    i Totally Love Mardock Scramble,seriously!
    if only there was more than just 1 scan..>.>

  14. pouparlen Mute Member Jul 23, 2010

    Wow what a great wallpaper

  15. Nubes Jul 24, 2010

    good goddess! this perspective is amazing! I love the effect of the shades and the ligth that surrounds her face, and her feet! damn! This is good! Havent hear of the series, yet! but thanks a lot for sharing.... she reminds Sister Grimm, of the Runaways comic books. Beautiful-

  16. megrace33 Jul 25, 2010

    OMFG. It's soooo gorgeous! Great lighting and details. It's just fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing! <3

  17. BlackKey Jul 26, 2010

  18. psyaea Jul 30, 2010

    Nice nice! This is beautiful!

  19. MoonFangs90 Jul 30, 2010

    I love eyes and I love the wallpaper.
    The coloring is simply awesome and the floor is great and broken and the water that gives reflection of the buildings is really creative. Nice job ^^

  20. Mizar_Z_Axis Jul 30, 2010

    Muy buen wallpaper, gracias por el.

  21. Sherillas Aug 08, 2010

    A very befitting title for the wallpaper! I like to way the character is depicted in your wallpaper as oppose to the scan, I think she posses a luminous essence of LIFE that is expressed exquisitely through her eyes and that is due to your technique/skills as an artist.

    The vexeling looks professional and the overall wallpaper leaves no room for critiques, well done. I think you did an excellent job in showcasing the character's distinctive yet rather intangible features, she's got quite an enchanting aura about her that I did not sense in the original scan. Your artistic ability is ripe with great beauty and expression, thank you so much for sharing it.

  22. Leila64 Aug 21, 2010

    I love this wallpaper, thanks for sharing^^.

  23. vaguita Sep 29, 2010

    very kawaii and kakoi at the same time je je, thanks

  24. keyskings Oct 10, 2010

    I do not know why ~

    This figure makes me feel awful ~> _ <

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