
Original Wallpaper: Fukan F?kei

Original, Member Art Wallpaper
Original Source Member Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

AP Clash of the Wallers entry

aye, this is more of a placeholder submission cause I'm not particularly happy with the turnout.

Proper (aka: long) descript can be found on AnimePaper, but I shall quote a bit from it:

What does a view from a high place remind you of?
The scenery you see from a high place is magnificent. Even an ordinary landscape looks beautiful. But a vision that's too large creates a boundary between you and the world. It's more correct for you to recognize the large world you see as the world you live in rather than the small space around you. But you can't feel that you're living in this big world no matter how hard you try.

Your reasoning, represented by your knowledge, and your experience, represented by your realization, will crash against each other. And eventually, you will lose yourself and confusion will begin.

-Aozaki Touko , Kara no Kyoukai 1:Fukan F?kei

WIP: http://img30.imageshack.us/i/humanderpprocess.jpg/

more resolutions: @ KISUKI

@ deviantArt: http://tsunoh.deviantart.com/art/Fukan-Fuukei-171933829

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  1. Welvimar Jul 19, 2010

    nice! Thank you for that picture

  2. darksuperboy Jul 19, 2010

    suugoooi its a really beauty pic thanks :D

  3. ashiiya Jul 19, 2010

    wow this is really beautiful O.O

  4. Bernouli Retired Moderator Jul 19, 2010

    Woah that is cool.. <__<;;;

  5. zaira Jul 19, 2010

    I love it! the pink to purple scheme really blends well with the dark color background.
    absolutely a fav! ^^,

  6. AirJack Jul 20, 2010

    Awesome Wallpaper, Nicely done!

  7. ngakyuklim Jul 20, 2010

    well....awesome! i like your style of making a wall! truely beautiful! XD

  8. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Jul 22, 2010

    That's beautiful! I'm amazed that you are able to create something like that with your own work.

  9. SoNaRiRi Jul 22, 2010

    Exquisite *0*

    Thank you. ~~~

  10. kcocopuffs Jul 23, 2010

    Tht is amazing! i luv it :)

  11. pouparlen Mute Member Jul 23, 2010

    Its quite amazing this wallpaper. Really like it

  12. Darkee456 Jul 24, 2010

    Really amazing wall :)
    so creative and beautiful (u u)
    (+ fav)
    Thanks 4 sharing!~

  13. ai-yame Jul 26, 2010

    This wallpaper is pretty impressive. :)
    I thought it gave me a feeling of bravery and fierceness... yet so mystical at the same time. XD

    Keep on sharing great wallpapers please. :D

  14. DarkRoseofHell Jul 26, 2010

    Asshole time!

    I'd say, this is one of the few that I've seen that almost nailed the focal.

    One thing that I notice when looking at it, is her anatomy is bit awkward. Her arms are either too long, or her body is too small (one or the other, depends on how you want to think of it). Elbows can be smoothed out (no such thing as a pointy elbow).

    Shading seems weird and awkward. Places that should have light, don't have light, places that do have light don't. Her left arm could have a bit more shading, so it could be seen that her arm doesn't seem like its glued / fused into her body. Buildings, well, seeing as there's a light source, to the right of the area, some of the buildings, where there's supposed to be a discrepancies in the color shade, there aren't. One area, like the building in the arch under the specter (or whatever it is), if one light source, it should be darker in color, and it shouldn't seem as if light was shone directly above it.

    All else though, the only problem I see are the shading, where it seems incoherent with where the light source is (unless you're putting multiple light sources, but that makes the character incoherent with the light source, no way around it in other words).

    Detailing is nicely done, atmosphere is fitting.

    Yes, I'm a stickler for small details, and I'm pretty blunt about it. Can always say its fantasy and say anything's possible if you like.


  15. jetcaracer Jul 27, 2010

    Wow as good as always thanks for posting :D

  16. nekodemonessa Mute Member Aug 28, 2010

    thanks for your share)))))))))))

  17. stalker64 Sep 11, 2010

    its very good....thanks for sharing...

  18. keyskings Oct 10, 2010

    Haunted house atmosphere ~

    Girls want to be tempted to go there ~> _ <"

    Great atmosphere ~

  19. aisswen Mute Member Oct 12, 2010

    It is so beautiful! Thanks for the wallpaper.

  20. natsudesu Oct 21, 2010

    i like this style.

    thanks for sharing.

  21. pobreman Nov 01, 2010

    ta lindo. pero...
    como se vera en azul....
    mucho rojo.
    gran trabajo

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:49am
    as will be seen in blue ....
    a lot of red.
    great job

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:49am
    as will be seen in blue ....
    a lot of red.
    great job

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:50am
    as will be seen in blue ....
    a lot of red.
    great job

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:51am
    as will be seen in blue ....
    a lot of red.
    great job

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:51am
    as will be seen in blue ....
    a lot of red.
    great job

    merged: 11-01-2010 ~ 11:53am
    la verdad que no entiendo esta verga de comentarios

  22. DD869 Nov 09, 2010

    nice man....good colouring & drawing......keep up the good work

  23. KuraiKokoro Nov 13, 2010

    Uwaaaa~ i love it soooo much! ^^

  24. Oblivion01 Dec 30, 2010

    Always like your art style with soft pastel like colors..

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