Here, there and everywhere... FIRST! You know I loves this.
Wallpaper for: AP Clash round 1 - Theme was "The human condition"
A lot of personal stuff happened when I made this wall but the wall (+ neko chan and otaku kun) helped me to go through
them @@
About the concept: I was trying to figured out what the differences are between animals and humans. It could be love or
the ability to decide although I think that animals can sort of love and decide too. Then the word "emotions"
popped up in my mind and I think that animals can't show strong (especially sad) emotions.
Everything was painted in SAI and edited in PS afterwards.
Many many thanks to:
- Tsu, because you're a ninja cat.
- Taku, because you're an ukat! D:
- Fuku, because I love you, yay
- All the judges who took their time to comment on it
- Flyin and Jay for the wonderful idea and for their hard work
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Here, there and everywhere... FIRST! You know I loves this.
A really powerful piece of art; there are indeed emotions featured on your wallpaper ;) Thanks a lot for sharing!
omg you finally submitted it! i have been waiting for this wall to be submitted :3...i must say, your original made huge impact on me, despite all great wallers in the round. (sorry people to say this) but your wall is surely the best in my opinion, because of the strong display of the emotions on the guy *which is beautiful*, and also your beautiful style of coloring on both outlines and the character. love the simple background and the text. just a gorgeous wall ( must put on desktop) absolute fav
wow. how lovely the colors are <3
i really envy your painting skills. :D
Great job! I love it. The colours are perfect
This is very nice! beautiful painting.
Ohhhhhh beautiful :)
C'est trop bien ^^
Good wrks
Wow, Good job on this Wallpaper!
gosh..what happened to you?!
such a powerful emotiob you have...
Wow, such a powerful piece... Quite simply stated-- I. LOVE. IT.
hey thiz wallpaper's very nice!
It's really beautiful good work
sooo full of emotions! i'm feeling really frustrated right now too.
amazing work! i guess it's true that artists derive a degree of excellence from personal suffering. though it would
be better to go without suffering...
anyways, your work is totally amazing, and i <3 it !
? i love it...
thanks for sharing it...
Perfekt topic: Emotion. But the best in this picture are the flash colors ;).
so much stress fufufu good man
What expression! Love it!
WOW! good work! ???????? ?????! ))
awesome piece, indeed filled with emotions. great colours, too <3
Picture of crying ~
This style nice ~
woooooow woooow wooooow I'm still a bit speechless.....awesome wall!
woah thats how i feel the most of the time :/
This is just fab! I think I love this the most even though it's suppose to be really sad. The colors just pop out and it's so beautiful I'm in love with it! TyTy!
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