
Katanagatari Wallpaper: "I love you"

Take, Katanagatari, Shichika Yasuri, Togame, Vector Art Wallpaper
Take Mangaka Katanagatari Series Shichika Yasuri Character Togame Character Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I finally found the right time to fix up this wallpaper from the recently finished Minitokyo Knockout Competition (round 2).
I know I should have done this a long time ago but I couldn't be bothered with Illustrator being so laggy.

The theme was "I love you" (name of the wall, apparently...Lazyness)

I chose Katanagatari mainly because of it's unique art style. The series also had many great scans, ended up using this one.
I vectored it, and added a different background as it would have been too empty and non-creative. So instead, I created one myself trying to copy the exact same style (I'm completely not used to it).
The colors are more in the same color scheme now, I also changed the pink, made the heart white (it really is better) and changed the lighting after getting kicked out the competition.

I can't be bothered making it any longer, so I hope this is enough and better than before.
my-maiden vector-wallers
chamber-of-kings dark-wallies
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No other submissions


  1. mbeckley Jul 14, 2010

    Very unique pic u chose to vector.
    It's beautiful. Love the vectoring, the bg, and colors.
    Great job. :)

  2. MoonFangs90 Jul 14, 2010

    This wallie is awesome ^^
    I love the colors and everything looks so greatly combined.. ^^
    Great job ^^

  3. Neverfeel Jul 14, 2010

    Like bakemonogatari,i love the studio which make this manga !

  4. Sakura-Dust Jul 16, 2010

    The vectoring technique is unique and I love the abstractness of its style <3

  5. pouparlen Mute Member Jul 17, 2010

    A vector of katanagatari. Good Vector

  6. Yina Jul 17, 2010

    The pinkness rules <3
    Also love the patterns you used.

  7. sailorchiron Jul 19, 2010

    Really funky and colorful, I love the abstractness of it. Great work.

  8. Faelnirv Jul 25, 2010

    from where are the characters? i don't know them. love the wallpaper.

  9. Jack4774 Aug 13, 2010

    Thx a lot! 1st katanagatari wallpaper, it looks very nice!

  10. kawaiieyes Sep 18, 2010

    I loved it! Thanks for the sharing ?

  11. Pulver15 Oct 13, 2010

    The art is really intersting somthing unusual for me again xDDD
    But the style for this anime is really great cause it fits perfectly for abstract bg such as yours <333
    Love the colors though I don't like pink I'll make an exception here xDDD
    *thumbs up*

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