
Kaori Minakami Wallpaper: Scotophobia

Kaori Minakami, Chronologics Wallpaper
Kaori Minakami Mangaka Chronologics Artbook

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I extract this scan:

Chronologics Artbook - Red Angel

I wanted to make a dark background for it because I wanted the girl is lying on a dark place, so I found this stock:


and used it as a floor, I made it darker and added some textures. I also added water shades because they give a ghostly atmosphere (as what I wanted), and I added some flowers for the BG.
As for the girl, I remade her eyebrow, shined her eyes and added tears; I remade her mouth as well to make her sad.
And after that I changed the colors and the lights as I used to do.

As for the title, I surely want to thank Lady for choosing the title, I was confused and she suggested to name it " Scotophobia" She said it means: " The fear of darkness" in Latin. Thank you Lady! =D

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  1. Lady89 Jun 14, 2010

    Splendid job! :D
    I love how u changed her face expression and the fog, floor and everything blended well with the scan :) Her tears and eyes r better than the original scan. Wallah mashallah good job,it look GREAT! ^____^

    merged: 06-14-2010 ~ 04:12am
    oh and u r welcome, I'm glad u liked the title :)

  2. gwenibe Jun 14, 2010

    Beautiful! Everything is so well blended in the wall! Thanks for sharing

  3. Katkoota Jun 15, 2010

    OMG! WOW! RLY WOW!~~~~~~ ^___^
    i rly loved it! ur new wallie is awesome barcaty-chan :3
    keep up the wonderful job! :D

  4. akika Jun 19, 2010

    This is really pretty~ the ripple effect makes it look like it's underwater or something...kinda mysterious...XD I like it! Keep up the good work!

  5. Emma93 Banned Member Jun 24, 2010

    yayz sisy u have done a rly perfect job! :D wow mashallah just keep wallin more :)

  6. Miss-Mess Jun 25, 2010

    woow! so dark and that what i like :D :D

  7. elentary Mar 28, 2011

    Little Angel
    Love itttttt

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