
Saint Seiya Wallpaper: Butterfly

Future Studio, Saint Seiya, Sacred Saga, Papillon Myu Wallpaper
Future Studio Mangaka Saint Seiya Series Sacred Saga Artbook Papillon Myu Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Saint Seiya artbook is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Each character is drawn extremely detailed . I have made three wallpapers using these arts and they are the most complicated I've ever done .

What can I say about this one... Well, first of all, I wanted to make it fantastic and sparkling . I knew that there should be a lot of stars in the sky and The Moon, very big moon that would catch the eye. And if I easily found texture with the moon, it turned out really difficult to find any picture with stars that would be enough large. Secondly, I decided to but my beautiful butterfly near the lake.It is reasonable, isn't it? I was really lucky to find a photo with lake that ends with the city lights. I but this on another with a bridge , gathered other layers, added small butterflies and the reflection of the clouds.

Scan: minitokyo (thank you )
Background pics: google
Textures: Deviantart

Time: about 3 hours

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  1. ashiiya May 29, 2010

    Wow the wings are so beautiful~! And the bg was done really nicely :DDD *love love*

  2. Catherine666 May 31, 2010

    I like this one very much. Can it be used for commercial purposes? Do you have any license?

    merged: 05-31-2010 ~ 01:43pm
    Thank you so much for your quick answer :)

  3. Neri-kuran88 Jun 02, 2010

    awesome fantasy world.love d glitz surrounding the butterfly and love also d moon

  4. baishuangyue Sep 10, 2010

    nice pic~~~
    I like the color and the feeling:)

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