Very Nice. I think the flowers really offset her.
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*phew* after almost two months being stuck in my computer, ive already finished this wall <3
yay! oh well, ive used this SCAN of alice cause i super like her here. ^^
then ive vectored her for about a week? (having 2 hrs a day)
then, i take a break cause im too lazy too continue it.
than after some time, i started to think for a BG.
but i was totally undecided & just play with it.
& in the end, i found a scan (i forgot where did i got it) with roses in it, so i decided to vector it.
put some clouds & it's done.
the hardest part for me is making the background. ><
plus it's really hard to vector using a mouse T^T im dying for days in making this. ><
how i wish i can afford to get a tablet, too bad i can't.
so bear with it guys. ><
comments & faves & everything are highly appreciated! ;D
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UberDog May 21, 2010
kunogi09midori May 21, 2010
Beautiful! Good efforts in Alice's face. The roses looks pretty too. Good job^^
I prefer to vector using the mouse. Tablet is only used for painting. Anyway, good luck in buying a tablet^^
rizacaga May 21, 2010
nice vector..though i think the flowers especially the leaves need more deatil and sharpen ..
but overall beautiful wall :)
good job! -
Kitaan Retired Moderator May 21, 2010
Nice improvement on the multi-shading, the hair is also nicely
detailed. I noticed a few color leaks on her hair and another where her boot is.
I think the bench could use some more detail, highlights where the sun is and then
more shadow to define how close she is to it.I think her jacket lacks a bit of highlights, some simple ones
just to show more light on her and also help to show where the light source is.
Compared to her the flowers would need more detailing, highlights mostly and then
just some more shadows on the bottom part of them. The leaves I think would've
been better vectored, to match more. Painting on them isn't detailed enough to stand
up with the vectoring.The trees in back need more of a deep green, highlights and some more shadows on the bottom. Just a few touches around to give them more life, the sky is nice...though perhaps less clouds could've opened it up more and given more depth.
The color of the sky could use a more baby blue color...somehow I feel the
color you used just doesn't fit well with the other colors of the wall.Think I mentioned all i want to :3 Great job on this, lovely to see something
new from you <3 -
atashi07 May 21, 2010
waaa, alice looks different! a nice wallpaper! you did it very well^^
TiffYG2133 May 22, 2010
great job on this! Alice looks awesome.Thanks 4 sharing ^_^
ALUX May 23, 2010
my First impression from watching this anime is nicE
jns May 24, 2010
This is some improvement you got here!
Regarding improvements Kitten pretty much said it all....
Anyway, just keep practicing cos your improvements are visible in each wall you make
Nice job
ahmademad2001 Mute Member May 24, 2010
I really like this wallpaper :D
riku978 May 25, 2010
Alice looks so kawaii <3
Great job -
KaosTPY Mute Member May 25, 2010
i like this face ^-^
thanks for the sharing... -
nekosakura1 May 26, 2010
i like this.........thanks
me gusto.........gracias -
Haven100 May 26, 2010
Awesome wall! Background looks very beautiful with the flowers and the vector of Alice looks very well done too.
Xuru93 May 29, 2010
Ohh i love Pandora Hearts!
ABM4EVER12 Jun 03, 2010
Nice wallpaper!
I like the colors you chose ^__^
Awesome work, keep it up =DD
to my favorites -
akika Jun 20, 2010
very nice wallie! love the flowers, stunning colour..and her hair is lovely as well! well done!
EternalEthelion Jun 23, 2010
a nice drunk and rosy alice XD
akitotop Jun 28, 2010
Beautiful! Good efforts in Alice's face
lamthang1127 Mute Member Jul 12, 2010
Awesome work! I love the pic so much. Thanks for sharing!
rukia-schiffer-chan Jul 14, 2010
blue roses >.<
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa -
Steffi1690 Moderator Jul 29, 2010
Very Beautiful Wallpaper! :)
jonyang510 Aug 07, 2010
very nice, thanks for sharing it
aki31 Sep 20, 2010
my First impression from watching this anime is nicE
chibifreya Oct 12, 2010
Very nie wallpaper thanks for sharing
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