
Kurehito Misaki Wallpaper: Nolita Fairytale

Kurehito Misaki Wallpaper
Kurehito Misaki Mangaka

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


I finished my entry for:

CLICK ME! (^__^)


If you want to know what the match is all about, just click on the link that I gave. ^^


A BRIEF DESCRIPTION of my wallpaper:

Shapes: 200+
Time spent: About a week and a half
Inspiration: "Nolita Fairytale" by Vanessa Carlton

OK! Among the scans that my partner chose, this one attracted me the most. An idea also struck while I was doing it. I was listening to my iPod when Vanessa's song played. I then had the sudden urge to do make this wallpaper. Man! Did I have a HARD TIME vectoring HER... ~(@_@)~ Well anyway, I started with her hair, then her body, clothes, to wings, etc. Well it's not that hard actually. I'm just too lazy to vector. Hahaha! After I vectored the flower, I hand-painted each petal to give it that nice, extra effect. I had a hard time figuring out the perfect BG for this one. In the end, I decided to stick with the original one--only giving it a little twist. I decided to change her colors since there's too much already in the original scan. I made her dark and mysterious so that she will contrast with the colorful BG.

Well, I guess that's about it! (^3^)

I've nothing else to say since it's wa-aaay past my bedtime already. I've to go to sleep! Hahaha. It's already 2AM here.

A comment, ++fave, DL, comment+FAVE, comment+DL, comment+FAVE+DL would be most appreciated.

Enjoy. ^^




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  1. al52287 Nov 24, 2010

    nicely made wallpaper. the colors and the work done shows very nicely and makes a great overall image

  2. CandyCat15 Mar 04, 2011

    Hmmmm How Cool I Really Like The Wings ^_^

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