oh my goodness! this is just..beautiful! i love your colors and details. it's so smooth and neat!
My first doujinshi in this year XD Plus, my last submission before I had another vacation for my college.... Yay XD XD
I really love to draw girls, especially beautiful and cute girls XD I draw this a long time ago, but I was just as lazy as usual so, I'm just scanned it and then forgot it (even when I decided to edit it a little, I forgot which folder I put the scan in XD)
I remember that I want to draw this after I had expression studio in college (this subject taught the students to draw object, perspective, building, animal, and human) I heard that the next project for the next week was draw human eyes, ear, nose and lips (I really love to draw eyes, especially) so after the studio finished, I was trying at my home to draw eyes, ear, nose, lips, at human face XD That was funny activity, for 6 hours I tried to finish that project.
For the scan itself, I just edited it a little and used simple tools like burn tool and clone tool, brush tool too, and set the levels, edited the background and taraa.... It's FINISHED! The title is "Sweetest Smile on Christmas" cause I drew the girl with a model from Christmas edition from a magazine....
Click here for the real model of this doujinshi: Click!
Whew.... I know that's not really like same girl (the model and the doujinshi), but I've tried so hard to finish it. Sorry.... I'll try to make my draw better. That's all the description for this doujin.... I'm trying so hard to write this description cause my English is so bad, especially my grammar T____T
Favs and comments are really appreciated! (I hope I have good feedback from you all ^___^)
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oh my goodness! this is just..beautiful! i love your colors and details. it's so smooth and neat!
muito bonito... very pretty.... I want to see some of this more
rambutnya keren tuh mizu...highlight nya pas bgt..
pake apa ngewarnainya ?pensil warna ya?
texture kertasnya ketara ya..pake kertas apaan mizu..?
wee..kaya interogasi aja..^^'
good job!
Ohh god ! it's juste .... magnificent *o* colors and details are so beautiful x333 i love it ^^
Would be better if Vellum. Smoother finish for silky-smooth skin. <3
waaaaa~ keren bgt! mizuu pinter gmbr ya! :D
That's Awsome! ^-^
She looks good and humanlike not Animelike ^-^
I think it's perfect!
So you did color it all in PS? Looks like you have used pastell or something like that!
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