aww...this is so beautiful I'm trapped. I am tempted to vector this too...and it will probably be easier to vector because there's less movement and lighting effects.. the other one cries out for a watery background and lots of vectoring for pebbles as well as reflections...this? It'll be simpler...but I should stick to one vector...
Argh, conflicted.
You did a great job cleaning the scan up! I have another version of it but the colours are brighter in yours. ^.^ And yours is cleaner... and thus it lures me...
Singapore? I'm from Malaysia. ^.^ So lucky! You have Vampire Knight stuff there! Most of my friends here don't even know of it. -_-"" I barely am able to find a decent, non-Malay copy here unless I go all the way to KL's Kinokuniya. And then, I'm probably not allowed to get it...sheesh.
Well, thanks for sharing! Maybe I WILL vector this first.