
Vampire Knight (Zero Kiryuu, Yuuki Cross)

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Zero Kiryuu
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Zero Kiryuu Character


Self scanned as always. I like the way I managed to fix this ;)

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  1. aozoraskies Apr 05, 2008

    aww...this is so beautiful too...now I'm trapped. I am tempted to vector this too...and it will probably be easier to vector because there's less movement and lighting effects.. the other one cries out for a watery background and lots of vectoring for pebbles as well as reflections...this? It'll be simpler...but I should stick to one vector...

    Argh, conflicted.

    You did a great job cleaning the scan up! I have another version of it but the colours are brighter in yours. ^.^ And yours is cleaner... and thus it lures me...

    Singapore? I'm from Malaysia. ^.^ So lucky! You have Vampire Knight stuff there! Most of my friends here don't even know of it. -_-"" I barely am able to find a decent, non-Malay copy here unless I go all the way to KL's Kinokuniya. And then, I'm probably not allowed to get it...sheesh.

    Well, thanks for sharing! Maybe I WILL vector this first.


  2. chrisp Apr 05, 2008

    boaa they look soo >.< have no words!
    thank you a lot

  3. KuroiTsubasa Apr 05, 2008

    lovely image!
    thank you very much^^

  4. carlemb Apr 12, 2008

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this scan up. I love this pic, and although there are other versions of this already out, I really like yours the best. So the poster doesn't come with the English version, huh? Shame, that's the one I usually buy...

  5. ayumi2hagumi Apr 19, 2008

    OMG! supa hot! beautiful work!

  6. Tsukikage901 Apr 21, 2008

    Aww, it's so sweet~!
    Love it ^^
    They make such a cute couple
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Princekt May 08, 2008

    love it!

  8. Chem Jun 10, 2008

    Best. Couple. Ever.

  9. Aiira Jun 18, 2008

    such a cute scan^^
    the couple and the cherry blossom is really cute..
    I love it..keep up the good work ^^

  10. Kimi-Shime-Chan Jun 24, 2008

    And i must say zero looks hot and yuuki looks beautiful but together....they...are....AWESOMELY AND AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
    this one is totally going in favorites! ;)

  11. DarkPriestessKikyo06 Aug 24, 2008

    This is one of my favorite scans too! I really love the cherry blossoms! And the art is breathtakingly stunning! :)

  12. kakyuuchan Oct 07, 2008

    I love them so much :3

  13. PCH Oct 11, 2008

    Even I'm not Zero's fan, I still have to admit that this pic is nothing but gorgeous!

    Ah, forgive me, Kaname-sama.

  14. lilmaggie22 Nov 07, 2008

    YES! Im counting all the Kaname fans, but the ones who also dont hate Zero!^^

    I am very tempted to draw this^^ or make a wallpaper! Im also glad that you cleaned and edited it! IT makes this scan prettier and brighter..i have a low quality one and its dark..so the colors arent really nice!

    ^^ Thank you for your hard work!

  15. animekim126 Nov 08, 2008

    I really love this scan
    it's so pretty and I love how the cherry blossom bloom around them :]
    thanks for sharing :)

  16. Lupindk Nov 17, 2008

    I just love Zero x Yuukie!
    And this scan is just wounderfull! ^^ thank you for sharing!

  17. animegirl204 Dec 07, 2008

    Great job you did with the retouching! I feel like making a wallpaper with this -_- or vector it! I also love cherry blossoms which makes this scan even better! arigatou

  18. xinmu Dec 11, 2008

    this scan is beautiful, thanks for sharing :)

  19. Nickole Dec 13, 2008

    I love zero and yuki!
    than u for sharing ;)

  20. mewmewlover55 Dec 21, 2008

    thanks for sharing!

  21. Theresa602199 Dec 24, 2008

    so cute

  22. PunkyDarkmoon Feb 06, 2009

    wow I very love the manga thank for the picture ^^

  23. arishka1991 Feb 21, 2009

    thank you so much for such clean and great scan!

  24. Lupindk Mar 10, 2009

    Just amazing! ^^
    This is wonderful!

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