
Kara no Kyokai Wallpaper: Final Chapter

TYPE-MOON, Kara no Kyokai, Shiki Ryougi Wallpaper
TYPE-MOON Studio Kara no Kyokai Series Shiki Ryougi Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It's been too long since last time I touched PS, the pressure of matric year is far beyond my expectation, almost feels like my spare times are drained out without reasons.

Anyway, the final chapter of Kara no Kyoukai was released last year, it marked the end of an era for me. I've never been so excited over one anime OVA, it was the best, most brilliantly executed anime OVA I've ever seen. Many critics might disagree with me on this, but this is not the important point.

As the title suggests, this is the last wallpaper of my Kara no Kyoukai wallpaper series. (Unless rumored Chapter 8 comes out) I've been working on this image for almost half a year, since the time Chapter 7 DVD was released. I tried to re-create that final moment of the OVA - warehouse, blood, Shiki's tears..I've been out there, taking photos of abandoned warehouses, factories, unfortunately non of those images came out right.

The image was left abandon in my HDD for 6 months, until recently when I had some breathing room from the study, picked up this project again from there.

The background image is a stock photo a friend of mine found, no author names were available, but thank you so much for it. Shiki's scan was done by myself, DVD's cover.

About the image itself..I tried to capture the final scene's weathered emotions, as well as the dirty, dark atmosphere. It's the only time where Shiki cried, and the last time she'll ever cry. So I used heavy contrast to bring out that sense of anger, desperate, but more importantly, love. There were two versions of this scan available, one with her eyes stare into the emptiness, one with her eyes closed. I used the second one because it has a stronger "Sad" feeling. The first image made her looked like a "OMFG I just killed the final boss, where is the staff credit?!" type of character.

Anyway, I hope you people like this final wall of mine. I don't think I'll touch PS for a really long time...Unless something surpasses Kara no Kyoukai is out there.

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  1. AnGeeChan May 15, 2010

    Very beautiful. Love the background, especially the floor and the reflection. Awesome job^_^

  2. HurtHattori May 15, 2010

    I believe the time you took to finish this wallpaper gives it its strengths. The warehouse is really similar to the one in

    merged: 05-15-2010 ~ 07:39pm
    ehouse is really similar to the one in "Murder Speculation (Two)" and every detail fits with the other parts of the wall. I'm also fond of the reflection , and I *love* the scan you used. The final movie of Kara no Kyoukai is just too awesome, and the final scene in the warehous was one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen in an anime, and your wallpaper is a fitting hommage to that ending.

    There's only one thing : please find something that inspires you as much as Kara no Kyoukai really soon, as I'd love to see more of your work! Thank you for sharing

    merged: 05-15-2010 ~ 07:40pm

    edit : I'm sorry, my message seems to be pretty messed up :S ... my Internet is not very cooperative today.

  3. shirayu May 16, 2010

    niceee! very very nice wallpaper! soo cool!

  4. Yoline May 16, 2010

    Amazing *-*

    I love the background!

  5. Returners May 17, 2010

    Wow,so much blood.........Nice...........Thanks for sharing..............

  6. UmeVa May 18, 2010

    ????... Blood....)))))) -___-

  7. littlefishyface Jul 01, 2010

    thank you for the image ^~^

  8. Katzenoir Jul 15, 2010

    Hell, I love it!, this wallpaper really creates mood. XD

  9. Liesel Sep 28, 2010

    This is a great wall, very dramatic. Thanks for sharing. =)

  10. aisswen Mute Member Oct 04, 2010

    Thanks for the great wall

  11. natsudesu Oct 17, 2010

    I like this style,thanks for sharing.

  12. AyanamiMangetsu Dec 09, 2010

    AWESOME *o* thanks fo sharing!

    merged: 12-09-2010 ~ 06:22am
    AWESOME *o* thanks fo sharing!

  13. Kenna Feb 19, 2011

    Oh...wow...Excellent job .

  14. NineTears Mar 26, 2011

    hmm very interesting ...

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