
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Wallpaper: Inseperable Bonds

Hotaru Odagiri, J.C. Staff, Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, Tsukumo Murasame, Touko Murasame Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

A Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru WallPaper.

Description: A Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Wallpaper Featuring Murasame Touko and Murasame Tsukumo.

About the series:

This series is written by the mangaka Odagiri Hotaru.An Anime adaptation has been released in April 2010.

Brief Synopsis: Sakurai Yuki, the main protangonist of this series was born with a mysterious ability. As a result, he is always targeted by demon-like creatures known as Duras. He originally belongs to the Clan of Giou's and was a lady in his previous life, protected by the other protangonist known as Zess (Luka Crosszeria). He fought along with his comrades, otherwise known as the Zweilt Guardians.

Murasame Touko and Murasame Tsukumo featured in this wallpaper are part of the Zweilt Guardians and they are currently my favourite characters in the series. =D

About the Wallpaper: The original scan here.

Time Taken : I took my time with it.. =)
No. of layers used: I did the background and the characters seperately, so less than 300?
Easiest Part: No idea.
Hardest Part: Imagining the Background?
Favourite part: The colours usage.

It's still a not-up-to-standard wallpaper, i know my flaws but i do not know how to rectify them. Please don't be too harsh on me. I looking for a teacher to teach me the fine details in vectoring, esp shading and blending, please adopt a 'discliple' here. ^_^'

Lastly, Thanks in advance to all who Commented/Favourited/Downloaded this Wallpaper.

Comment: Tsukumo and Touko Pairing = My Love! =p

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  1. Renari May 15, 2010

    How nice! I really like it! Good job.

    merged: 05-15-2010 ~ 07:50pm
    Awasome. I really like it. Good job!

  2. TiffYG2133 May 17, 2010

    Looks great! I'm watching this anime now & so far I like these two ^_^ thanks 4 sharing & keep up the good work!

  3. UmeVa May 18, 2010

    I love this anime! Thanks! Thanks...

  4. furiez May 20, 2010

    tsukumo n touko... my favorite pair... love it

  5. ALUX May 23, 2010

    It's really beautiful and refreshment

  6. Billalunna Mute Member Jun 02, 2010

    How nice! I really like it! Good job.

  7. Nomin Jul 02, 2010

    Thanks for sharing! Great job! Like it very much! Its one of my favorite series.

  8. Dick87 Jul 09, 2010

    Thank you so much for it! It's beautiful

  9. Sharna Jul 14, 2010

    Looks great!...I love this anime! Thanks!

  10. locosss01 Aug 20, 2010

    love the pic thanks for uplaod

  11. natsudesu Aug 28, 2010

    nice scan

    Thanks for sharing^^

  12. sora071121 Sep 20, 2010

    nice pix!
    thanks for posting this picture!

  13. glay151 Sep 28, 2010

    nice work?~~~~~
    thanks soooooo much?

  14. ohl425 Mar 27, 2011

    they look soooooooo great! i think they are the best partners of all!

  15. lec May 12, 2011

    it's warm~ ^_^ Thanks for sharing

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