
Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan (Hajime Saitou (Hakuouki))

Yone Kazuki, Idea Factory, Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan, Hajime Saitou (Hakuouki), Official Wallpaper
Yone Kazuki Mangaka Idea Factory Studio Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan Series,Visual Novel Hajime Saitou (Hakuouki) Character Official Wallpaper Source


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  1. mellywaffles May 02, 2010

    hff ohh Saitou, why so gorgeous? ;u;

  2. SheenaChan19 May 03, 2010

    niiice a scan of saitou thx for the sharing ^^

  3. JessSlaCrevette May 03, 2010

    waaahh He's so gorgeous ^^

  4. Opiolenion-san May 04, 2010

    Looks so cool! Love it so much! Nice colors!

  5. Dusuri May 04, 2010

    Nice scan! Thanks for sharing!

  6. ningy0uhime May 05, 2010

    so cool! thanks for sharing!

  7. goldpan May 05, 2010

    This scan looks so elegant and pretty for a bishie moment.

    Thanks for the scan.

  8. Fexion May 09, 2010

    I love Saitou... But I still don't know why he is left handed... I mean, there's no mention of it whatsoever

  9. flowerxpetals May 09, 2010

    Really pretty piece of artwork! Saito looks really nice here~

  10. Megou May 10, 2010

    roooh this is so nice thaaaanks

  11. Aethelflaed May 13, 2010

    I love Saitou! He's gorgeous. -passes out- XD ?

  12. 0Rink0 May 13, 2010

    Nyaaaaaah~... Saito *_* ...

  13. glay151 May 14, 2010

    nice scan,thanks for your sharing!

  14. Sissi146 May 17, 2010

    Waaaahhh Awesome! Thx for the adding :)

  15. sasuke619 Restricted Member May 20, 2010

    awwwww,he's so coooooooooooooooooooooooooool XD

  16. bakahyde May 20, 2010

    nice scan,thanks for your sharing!

  17. isaisthebest May 20, 2010

    wow, i love this picture!

  18. magicalspider May 22, 2010

    Cool scan, thanks for upload!

  19. Klerion Mute Member May 24, 2010

    thanks for uploading this art) it's perfect)

  20. Cherishes May 25, 2010

    Thank you for sharing this scan! :]

  21. miraclemars May 25, 2010

    thanks for uploading picture

  22. jjdash May 30, 2010

    very nice~ thanks for sharing~

  23. damara May 30, 2010

    Thanks for sharing, your gallery is really great !

  24. lenalee87 May 31, 2010

    thx a lot for share this picture...

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