
Yunomi Wallpaper: Sunset Melody

Yunomi, Vocaloid, Luka Megurine Wallpaper
Yunomi Mangaka Vocaloid Series,Game Luka Megurine Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

OMFG, I'm almost doing this wallpaper for 2 weeks, and I'm almost dead.
Used this scan.
I vectored the scan, extended a little bit, changed some little items, changed the colors to give a week sunset look and it's done.
And one more thing...

Happy Birthday Mayuki!

Oh yeah, hope you guys like it!

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  1. Sakihata Apr 30, 2010

    You could work more in the chair, I Liked to much her legs, are good worked, bg isn't so bad too,i really liked,the guitar is just amazing good work, keep up!

  2. DokiDokiChan Retired Moderator Apr 30, 2010

    Beautifully simplistic. :3 (In a non-busy way not no-effort way.)
    Wonderful, clean vectoring and smooth painting.
    I love how you did the background because it adds to the wallpaper yet all the focus is on the girl. 8d


  3. zaira May 01, 2010

    Nice! you always make very smooth and sharp vectors and i really do love
    this one! The details in the guitar are good! The smooth outlines and soft
    yet sharp colors are great. The blurriness of the background is kinda to heavy
    but nice emphasis on your character, so +fav! ^^,

  4. Nubes May 01, 2010

    love this piece! love it love it love it!

  5. ngakyuklim May 01, 2010

    absolutely love it! love the smooth colours and lighting :3

  6. bijinsakura May 02, 2010

    I love the way it came out.

  7. hotan May 02, 2010

    The wall is very nice. I like it.

  8. sailorchiron May 02, 2010

    Really nice! Great vectoring job, of course, the colors look good, and the atmosphere is really serene, like she's just hanging out, chillin', playing some tunes.

  9. Kurorisa May 02, 2010

    I would prefer colored outline somehow
    and the chair looks pretty weird but I love the atmosphere and the warm colors on her face

  10. lurvegurl May 02, 2010

    she's really pretty ;DD
    love the colors ;) especially the smile that expressed the joy of music ;3

  11. crmc13 May 03, 2010

    OMG. it's LUKA! <33333
    super duper lovely! :D
    the vectoring is great as usual!
    im dying to see a vector version for this. :)
    ++ultimate favorite!<3333

  12. divine-darkness93 May 03, 2010

    Is that luka....really awesome.....

  13. TomoyoYumemi May 03, 2010

    The arms and legs are quite thin, but in general is a good vector work.

  14. keira11 May 04, 2010

    love the guitar and the character, the chair does need a little work, but the colours are awesome. thanx for sharing, its really kool

  15. shirayu May 04, 2010

    very veyr nice wallpaper! good work!

  16. tsubasazero May 06, 2010

    I like the light effect of it

  17. Maky May 06, 2010

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

  18. Yi-Yuan May 07, 2010

    Woooo, awesome job with the wallpaper!
    Btw, I love Luka's uniform <D

  19. Mayuuki May 11, 2010

    Kyaaah, one beautiful 18's birthday gift! *___*
    I loved this wall, principally for the characther (I'm a Vocaloid addict) and for all the work you put in it! Nice choose of scan, and the vector is really good (so smooth!)! Nice job, dear friend! ^^

    Thank you soooo much! o/ ~

  20. Adrienne May 21, 2010

    This is great! I love the expression on her face.

  21. ALUX May 23, 2010

    k comience la fiesta...la musica ya esta puesta

  22. zylfairy Mute Member May 28, 2010

    Thanks a lot for sharing. Great work, very beautiful.

  23. GreenRebel Jun 16, 2010

    Whoa nice guitar, cool tnx

  24. Aisukurimux3 Jul 19, 2010

    I loooove this image of Luka! Thank you ^-^~

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