
One Piece Wallpaper: No Worries

One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy Wallpaper
One Piece Series Monkey D. Luffy Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Title: No Worries
Characters: Luffy D. Monkey
Series: One Piece
My Comment:

First and foremost I made the vector of Luffy. It took me a simple 19 layers, but regardless he turned out by far better than I had hoped. Originally I made the vector not planning a wallpaper but I did anyway because I wanted to turn the vector into a layout for my shrine to One Piece, so I made a wallpaper first. ANYWAY! Made the vector for Luffy, re-sized, and placed on wallie.

Now, Luffy's colors were already pretty nice and sharp because he'd been vectored, so I ignored him and worked on the background. I found a random image of a sun setting beach and used it (you can't really make it out anymore; I only used it as the starting point of the wallpaper, it hardly relied on it at all). Originally I wanted the wallpaper to be Luffy next to the beach and stuff... but I've never found using REAL images and using anime images to go good together >_<;; So I used coloring, blending, and an edge removal to the beach image to basically take away most of its identity. This left only those tall grass things that turned black through the lighting. Following, I put a wind effect on the beach image and BAM there ya go for the background-ish-ness xD

From there I threw in some brushes. I wanted the wallpaper to give the feel of "No Worries" because that's kind of how Luffy is and in the vec too. Brushes: stars, a few flower heads. The original scan that I had vectored Luffy from in the first place had flowers in the background which gave me the idea to throw in a few flowers here and there in the wallpaper. With Luffy's...personality ^-^ the flowers went well and I didn't put too many that they overtook the design. The only brushes that went on TOP of Luffy was the star/dust factor that helped push him back into the background to be apart of it and not just sitting in front.

When I look back, I really didn't do THAT much with this Wallpaper. Most of it came from the lighting effects I used. For the beach background (that you can't even really see or tell anymore) there was the annoyance of a sun on the left side. It just looked so...bad. It turned out into just a normal dull circle that didn't fit in with the wallpaper (once I'd done my lighting effects for the background...Luffy wouldn't have survived them because he was already so enhanced compared to the background). Sooo after a moment's thought, I switched Luffy to the other side, he covered the sun, and the rest fell into place from there. Mostly I used Gamma, Highlighting, and Clarifying to achieve the look it has now. =D

"Cutie Luffy" - Luffy Vector

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  1. SheenaChan19 Apr 29, 2010

    wowww nice pic of luffy ^^ thx for sharing it!

  2. pimpthag Jul 29, 2010

    luffy ...really good jog...

  3. outsideofmy Aug 26, 2010

    thank you for the images this very good ones
    are the best it paginates of the web
    I like a lot they continue ahead it is a great project spirits..
    the images that have are not compared with any other very good
    resolutions this if it is good..

  4. Zero8 Sep 17, 2010

    it's cool mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  5. Daimacuro Oct 06, 2010

    Hermano! esta imagen te salio increible!

  6. nenayaoi Oct 10, 2010

    ke guapo se ve luffy asi me gusta

  7. Naya1986 Mute Member Oct 15, 2010

    kawaiii so cute
    thank you for wallpaper naka...
    i love One Piece very much...

  8. sowako-san Nov 17, 2010

    luffy is the best i love him sooo much

  9. widyan Nov 19, 2010

    good picture. i like it.


  10. alisul Nov 25, 2010

    luffy sama aishteru! awesome pic

  11. Nero393 Dec 22, 2010

    nice pic i love it thx for sharing ^^

  12. haomafan0410 Feb 10, 2011

    luffy~ i like him so much~

  13. sinashotgun Feb 14, 2011

    luffy good wallpaper very nice

  14. takashixiaobu Jan 08, 2012

    ke guapo se ve luffy asi me gusta

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