I love kamui?????
so pretty~~~~~~~~~~~~~
many thanks for scan and sharing.????
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I love kamui?????
so pretty~~~~~~~~~~~~~
many thanks for scan and sharing.????
awesome scan~~
i love this one~~~
I love this picture, it's so cool. Thanks for sharing!
you're welcome =) I was surprised that it wasn't in the gallery yet
real nice,, but what is this suppose to be actually..? there're members from diff sides..
I think it's made by CLAMP for something called "Teens Ruby", Kamui is reading something that has that name on it, and there are other two pictures in which the name appears too (one that is like this, but with Yuzuriha instead of Kamui, and in blue colors)
don't think i've seen this pic large size before
thanks for uploading! XD XD XD
thanks for sharing! I was searching for the blue one, actually xD but this is great =D
awesome thanks for sharing i love this pic, arashi is lovely
love you~ very beauti Kamui~
I love X-1999
love the colour so much..
thanks for sharing..
Woah I'd never actually seen this pic... Thanks for sharing it!
thank you so much for uploading
awesome scan~~
i love this one~~~
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Nice scan...
thanks for sharing ^w^
Nice... Thanks for uploading! <3
I love this scan, thanks. :)
thanks for the scan its awesome!
I love this scan! Thanks! :">
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