Amazing! as I already said on AP!
Great wall!
Artist Comment
I FINALLY walled this scan! OMG I've had this in my hard drive...for maybe the past three...four years? Never knew what to do with the thing until I saw the theme for the this contest:
Made for Round 1 of MT Knockout 2010: Welcome
to My World!
"The theme is free for interpretation. It can be a reflection of your own world,
or the world of the scan you’ve chosen."
You can find the link to the contest post here, and the link to the judges' results post here.
It was due around March 25th (date was a bit vague with all the time differences). And being me, I waited until the night before to start .___.; And the next day I'd promised to hike with some friends of mine...TIME CRUNCH, MAN.
But~~ I made it to the next round! X]
Kudos to queerisblue and her awesome entry - master wall of chaos, seriously!
EDIT 04-09-10 11:51am PST
Ok, so I got off my lazyass and fixed the record >D
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yago-san Apr 09, 2010
Regenbogen Apr 09, 2010
Hello, congrats for this entry! I really like your wallpaper!
kemaru Apr 09, 2010
I love this wall.
Thanks for sharing ;) -
xRedPhoenix Apr 09, 2010
You already know I love this. Must fave everywhere. ^__~
j-valium Apr 09, 2010
OMG! seens so diferent, loved the free interpretation theme, reminds me from the center of art & culture of my city, awesome wall!
HurtHattori Apr 10, 2010
Woah... it's so detailed and yet simple. I also love the palette of black, grey and white : it gives a very personnal atmosphere to your wall. And... 1440x900 is my screen resolution, so I can put it on my desktop and appreciate it fully.
Great work, and thanks for sharing it!
Chloe Retired Moderator Apr 10, 2010
HOO BOY, I'm glad I didn't go up against you in the first round D:
The is fantastical. The vectoring is awesome and uber-neat. Very nicely done! -
Nysha Apr 10, 2010
One of my favs from the contest. :D Love the theme you chose and the soft colors. I also like how you incorporated the title of the contest and the credits here.
queerisblue Apr 10, 2010
Oh, shiny. *snatches* Widescreens are good for whose who have them XD
aqiaqua Apr 10, 2010
This is probably my fave from the round 1 entries 8). Absolutely amazing. The vectoring is flawless, so smooth and well executed. The whimsical background also well done, I adore this wall to bits 8). +fav
ngakyuklim Apr 10, 2010
haahahha XD everyone is doing a great job in the first round XD
mammonlovesmoney Apr 10, 2010
This interpretation of this picture is pleasant. The background and as it is combined with the girl is more tremendous also colours such sated
zaira Apr 10, 2010
Your concept + the given theme really matched together. I like how you
interpret your concept to the theme and this one is fit totally well.
Nice scan used + the vector is great with smooth outlines & shadings of the
colors. The background is nice as well with wings + the feathers everywhere
though i found something kinda off on the part behind the character on the
right side, it was a small rectangular shape with wings i dunno what is that
or you just put that in some random way but overall i like your concept so +fav! ^^,oh yeah and congratz! and keep it up on the next round! :D
trofikabinet Apr 10, 2010
Your walls always leave me speechless, really *____*
Love the vectoring and the concept is so cool.
Fav definitely :D -
sailorchiron Apr 10, 2010
This is so creative! Beautiful execution, and so original. Great work.
frei-chan Apr 11, 2010
wooooow. amazing.looks like mind control with an anime twist. :D
thanks for this~ -
crmc13 Apr 11, 2010
this is amazing. the vector is so great. <3333
ScarXHeart Apr 11, 2010
Great background for the wallpaper! It makes me feel like I could understand the character's world.
You did a good job in expressing the wallpaper and putting everything together. -
jns Apr 11, 2010
Jesus.. The night before o.O My jaw just fell to a point I didn't even know was possible
Love the soft painting and your ability to always place the signature in an interesting way that doesn't look obstructive -
Mine-ko Apr 11, 2010
Stunning wallpaper! The concept is creative and great, not to mention skillful vectoring.
LSX88 Apr 12, 2010
great pic! its like my world XD
Nadie201 Apr 13, 2010
Jujujuju Nice Pick! i love it!
ZenWolfAngel Apr 13, 2010
This is really creative and beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
jaymac Apr 14, 2010
Ahh...sit back, relax and feel the groove. Terrific.
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