
Naruto Wallpaper: O RLY? YA RLY. NO WAI!!!

Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki Wallpaper
Masashi Kishimoto Mangaka Studio Pierrot Studio Naruto Series Naruto Uzumaki Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hahahahaha. I don't know what made me do this but since no one has ever used my scans yet--I decided to make a wall from one of my scans.

I wanted to create yet another funny and vibrant wallpaper.

To complete that task, I needed Naruto to be my main star of the wall.

Here is the scan that I used:
Naruto: Crescent Moon Island

Everything was vectored by me. The BG was made completely from scratch--except the stars though.

As you can see, I changed Naruto's eyes and mouth so that his expression is in the way I wanted it to be: SHOCKED. It's really funny when Naruto goes like that.

It took me a week to finish and conceptualize this one. I hope ya guys like it.

P.S. a comment, ++FAVES, DOWNLOAD, comment+FAVES, comment+DL, and comment+FAVES+DL would be most appreciated.


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  1. ndox900 Mar 21, 2010

    awwwwesome... thats refresing . . . great work and idea .. hahaha ... i like it much, goes to my fav XDDD

  2. para5ite Mar 23, 2010

    NICE abstract wallies rule!
    word of advise...make this sort of wallie about Kyon from TMOHS xD
    no..just suggesting if you run out of ideas of what to do..
    But still.. nice work

  3. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 24, 2010

    lol his expression is indeed hilarious, goes well with the bright colour scheme and abstract designs. I think the concept is really nice, but the vector of Naruto could be improved; it should be sharp and bold like the background, but the lines look blurred, and the skin shading is blurred as well (should be sharper). Also, maybe the colours of the spiky things behind Naruto could be switched around a bit? The yellow right now is next to his yellow hair, which looks a bit weird ^^;

  4. Kwazykittylulu Apr 08, 2010

    Totally Naruto! I would have never guessed that you changed his face around if you hadn't mentioned it. I love the bright colors you chose. Looks great :D +fav!

  5. Shunrai May 10, 2010

    lol epic lulz on the wallpaper i generally dont grab naruto walls but this to funny and looks awesome

  6. ManGa-AniMe-YaOi-Freak May 16, 2010

    Whuahahaha, Naruto that's a funny face! XP

  7. Xuru93 Jun 19, 2010

    I love the bright colors you chose. Looks great :D

  8. Desah Jul 18, 2010

    haha!XDD Funny and awesome great choice!

  9. screxmo Sep 15, 2010

    LOL....Nice Vectoring!

    thanks for sharing

  10. monokota Sep 25, 2010

    it looks great, thanks for sharing !

  11. NaughtyKatz06 Sep 25, 2010

    awwww! i miss naruto's cheeky-ness! hehehe! thnk yooo sooo much for sharing! =]

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