omg that pun was terrible. you cant speak to me anymore >D
jk I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE LINEUP OF YOU AGAINST GIDDD 8ddd its going to be epic.
Really frickin' quick 15 minute doodle to test out a new brush which you can download here: [link] Hence the... lack of substance or title. Every time I download new brushes it makes me wish I had a tablet, just so I can actually use them to their full potential, but this one was pretty good regardless. It was the only brush I used for the entire piece (with a lot of constant flow/opacity/size adjusting), except one layer where I used the airbrush for some minor color tweaking. Texture is one of the defaults that are included with Photoshop.
Of course I'd be doing this instead of my MT Knockout entry. Of course. I need to start that... o_o
But anyway, I can't even remember the last time I submitted something here. XD
So I figured anything will do, as I'm long overdue. Cringe worthy pun
wholeheartedly intended.
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omg that pun was terrible. you cant speak to me anymore >D
jk I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE LINEUP OF YOU AGAINST GIDDD 8ddd its going to be epic.
Very nice painting Tofu. I like the roughness of it.
I couldn't put my finger on it, but I sense a message on this piece... somehow... o_o
And a fave. <3
I rly like the roughness.
Her eyes reveal her as a very kind person.
Great work.Thanx for sharing.
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