
Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpaper: ZeroKing

Takahiro Kimura, Sunrise (Studio), Lelouch of the Rebellion, Lelouch Lamperouge Wallpaper

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Finally I finished it! This is my first Code Geass wallpaper.
Then I started work on it in December, first that I've in my mind - it is impossible. But I made it!
I like it very much, because it is cool, stylish and f* awesome. Also this composition with Shinkiro, Lelouch and how they hold their hands - also amazing.

98% of all work in CorelDraw, and 2% in Photoshop (Background creation, some work with layers)

Some information about CorelDraw file:
> Number of objects - 1121
> Number of points - 7729
> Groups - 227
> Curves - 1116

Vector was made from this Blu-Ray Menu screen shoot. Work on it at all free time, when I got it.
Hope you'll enjoy!

code-geass-knights vector-wallers chamber-of-kings clamp-a-holic dark-wallies demons-of-rebellion

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  1. pureblood98 Mar 12, 2010

    woa... that is one cool wallpaper...

  2. ALSA7ER Mar 12, 2010


    So nice ... I loved it

  3. ZenWolfAngel Mar 12, 2010

    Really cool! Just added to favs. Thanks for sharing!

  4. talphyot Mar 12, 2010

    super genial la imgen el robot zero es amazing

  5. adith04 Mar 13, 2010

    This is awesome! Great vectoring, here. It's smooth and shiny.. The background's cool, too.. :D
    I really love it.. (instant +fav) XD

  6. astroasis Mar 13, 2010

    Cool wallpaper! I had no idea CLAMP did the character designs for Code Geass until I saw the tags on this... and looked it up. Nifty! :)

  7. caramellsa Mar 13, 2010

    sugoi ! +favorite


  8. vitaamin Mar 13, 2010

    while generic in composition, this wall really succeeds because it has a good sense for color and and the general elements.

    just some details:

    your panels could benefit from being a bit more transparent and if you added some "sheen" to it (large white shape to cut it diagonally with a gradient hiding mask) i also think the shapes are too straight and break from the movement, esp with those think outlines. try innerglow instead with thinner lines.

    i like the use of dissolve to create light, but it would look better if they glowed more, the middles should be whiter and the edges in yellow and orange.

    your curves in the back should be more shapely, and not so straight, but this doesnt attract too much attention so its rather minor.

    good job, and heres and (i didnt see it submitted at vector wallers yet, but when it does i'll consider it for a feature)

  9. 3nforcer Mar 14, 2010

    Nice Wallpaper dude, as i know it from you ;)

  10. fLaMeS Mar 17, 2010

    awesome! thanx for sharing!

  11. vitaamin Mar 20, 2010

    yay you submitted it!

  12. Nueth Mar 27, 2010

    Awesome wall *__*

  13. evelluchia Apr 02, 2010

    very nice thanks for sharing

  14. hinasan33 Apr 06, 2010

    I really like it because Lelouch is sooooooo coooool~

  15. crimson-blue Apr 09, 2010

    nice concept you used in there..
    thx for sharing it!

  16. Demetrio200 Apr 14, 2010

    thanks for share the wall, looks great =)

  17. Draken119 Apr 22, 2010

    thanks you very much, waiting your new wall

  18. exsosit May 08, 2010

    Good dddd
    thank very much

  19. jamblang21 May 24, 2010

    Cool wallpaper! I had no idea CLAMP did the character designs for Code Geass until I saw the tags on this... and looked it up.

  20. Sariel5 Jun 03, 2010

    Cool, zero's the robot is shiny

  21. lelouchx Jun 17, 2010

    Woow awesome Lelouch is sooooooo coooool~

  22. waynesani Jul 28, 2010

    Thx so much for sharing~ ^^

  23. Daimacuro Jul 28, 2010

    The defense saikio!1 thanks for the walll

  24. pixie101 Jul 30, 2010

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing. ^^

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