
Chobits Wallpaper

CLAMP, Madhouse, Chobits, Chii, Freya Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Chobits Series Chii Character Freya Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Finily I got some guts to do an CLAMP wallpaper!
*Gotta make it fast because I'm posting this on lunch break*
Ok, took it like 2 days and a half to do it, I vectored the whole scan, add some texture and colors and crop it, pretty simple, but I'm proud that it's chobits! God damit, their hair is beautiful but a pain in the ass at the same time, so hope you guys like it and here it's the scan I used.

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  1. ala21ddin21 Mar 08, 2010

    I really enjoy what you did specially when you said you did it in two days and a half, this will certainly take me months XD


  2. DokiDokiChan Retired Moderator Mar 08, 2010

    Copy/Paste :3

    8d I love how Chi's face turned out... she's just so cute~
    Gorgeous vectoring on everything; I like how it's kinda simplified from the original scan.
    I know CLAMP scans can be atrocious to vector but you did a beautiful job.


  3. zaira Mar 09, 2010

    Wow this one is uberly nice chobit wallie. The texture you used is the best part of it.
    The vector is expected great especially on their hair, the colors are good as well
    though i agree with others fixing their skin tones and the skin tone of Freya on
    her leg is a bit darker maybe try fixing that one but overall i love your chobit wall!
    +fav! ^^,

  4. chanelqueen17 Mar 09, 2010

    One of the best walls you've made in a while in my opinion ^^
    I would've liked to see a little more gradient on the skin, it would bring more life to it. Also maybe some more depth in the gradients on the clothing?
    But all in all a very nice and clean vector. *stares at the hair* I wish you could vector the hair on my chobits scan I'm working on right now...I'm just no good at it compared to you. And in such short period of time O.O

  5. garnetyuna Mar 11, 2010

    so good! I really like it >.<
    good vector and nice colors too! ^.^b

  6. crmc13 Mar 13, 2010

    great vectoring.:)
    i love chii!^^

    your wallie is always pretty as expected!:).

  7. TomoyoYumemi Mar 13, 2010

    God job vectoring, also the palette seems the same from the original pic.

  8. ngakyuklim Mar 16, 2010

    wow i love this chii wallpaper! its a nice vectorrrr~~

  9. kimpa Mar 18, 2010

    soooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuttteee <3

  10. CloudyDay Mar 21, 2010

    cute! you did a great job XD

  11. sailorchiron Mar 29, 2010

    Very nice! The hair and ruffles in Clamp stuff are killer. I look upon Clamp scans and the vector artist in my cries. Great work.

  12. dokukamedesu May 01, 2010

    Great job on the wallpaper. Well done!

  13. Adrienne May 21, 2010

    I love Chobits. Great job! And their hair really is beautiful.

  14. der-fur-shur Jul 05, 2010

    the two of them really do look great together

  15. mogiks Jul 18, 2010

    Awesome wallpaper! I'm really glad the resolution's so big, thank you for sharing ^^

  16. al52287 Nov 23, 2010

    very elegant wallpaper and done so nicely with the quality of work put into it.

  17. CrazyMialuvsAnime Jan 18, 2011

    this is a really good wallie thanx for sharin it

  18. mogiks Feb 28, 2011

    I love this wall, thanks for sharing!

  19. elentary Mar 26, 2011

    OMG no name?
    how you no put name for wall?

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