Uwah~ It's so cute x3 Canadian pride!
Artist Comment
Posting this here 'cause firefly wanted me to XD
Hehe, Matthew-kun (Canada) is possessive of his game ^^
I drew this before the hockey game, after hearing the commentator say "For Canada, US going after hockey is like an older brother going after his girlfriend" , and I thought of Hetalia of course :XD:
I told my friend, and how I get images of Matt being all possessive, and she's like "Hetalia ruins everything, but makes it better! You should draw it, DRAW IT!"
So I did, in chibi. My friend suggested I draw Matt being all crazy/insane and rabid, but that expression didn't suit him, and I ended up liking this one XD He's supposed to be holding the hockey puck (even though it's too big XD)
Alfred (America): What? Why are you so angry?
Matt (Canada): It's MY game! maple!
(it's so cute how he says that in the anime XD)
More Hetalia: Axis Powers Indy Art
Browse Hetalia: Axis Powers Gallery: Recent | Popular.
sakuyahikari Mar 01, 2010
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Mar 02, 2010
Love, love, love!
Canada is so cute in this one!
vitaamin Mar 02, 2010
lawllllllllllll i loved reading this descript
lol yes usa should back off of hockey and focus on its own games :D -
sailorchiron Mar 03, 2010
the great big hockey puck makes him look even more chibi! xD
kunogi09midori Mar 17, 2010
Cana-chan again aru~ Aiaya Maple cuteness~
aozoraskies Mar 18, 2011
ChingChangChong Jun 07, 2012
Canada stole basketball so I guess we are even.
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