
Hetalia: Axis Powers: It's MY game!

Studio DEEN, Hetalia: Axis Powers, America, Canada, Member Art
Studio DEEN Studio Hetalia: Axis Powers Series America Character Canada Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

Posting this here 'cause firefly wanted me to XD


Hehe, Matthew-kun (Canada) is possessive of his game ^^

I drew this before the hockey game, after hearing the commentator say "For Canada, US going after hockey is like an older brother going after his girlfriend" , and I thought of Hetalia of course :XD:

I told my friend, and how I get images of Matt being all possessive, and she's like "Hetalia ruins everything, but makes it better! You should draw it, DRAW IT!"

So I did, in chibi. My friend suggested I draw Matt being all crazy/insane and rabid, but that expression didn't suit him, and I ended up liking this one XD He's supposed to be holding the hockey puck (even though it's too big XD)

Alfred (America): What? Why are you so angry?
Matt (Canada): It's MY game! maple!
(it's so cute how he says that in the anime XD)


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  1. sakuyahikari Mar 01, 2010

    Uwah~ It's so cute x3 Canadian pride!

  2. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Mar 02, 2010

    Love, love, love!

    Canada is so cute in this one!

  3. vitaamin Mar 02, 2010

    lawllllllllllll i loved reading this descript
    lol yes usa should back off of hockey and focus on its own games :D

  4. sailorchiron Mar 03, 2010

    the great big hockey puck makes him look even more chibi! xD

  5. kunogi09midori Mar 17, 2010

    Cana-chan again aru~ Aiaya Maple cuteness~

  6. aozoraskies Mar 18, 2011

    This is so CUTE. I love your chibi style expressios and the story and most of all, your INSPIRATION. Hahahaha poor Canada. Ice hockey belongs to you, don't let your big brother steal it!

    Btw, would you like to join the new Hetalia group? http://static.minitokyo.net/groups/hetalia-axis-powers.gif

  7. ChingChangChong Jun 07, 2012

    Canada stole basketball so I guess we are even.

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