
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (Mineva Lao Zabi, Banagher Links, Marida Cruz, Micott Bartsch)

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  1. rrewt Mar 15, 2010

    me gusta este anime gracias por las imagenes jo

  2. Kazuhito Jul 26, 2010

    Links have a sister or what...?

  3. bliger7gz Sep 06, 2010

    Quote by KazuhitoLinks have a sister or what...?

    Seems he has a sister on his father side. But the one on this image is the heroine, and obviously he's kinda fallen in love with him. the one grabbing his arm is a classmate, the one with the long hair is the heroine's bodyguard. and the one on front is of course the heroine but she is also some kind of royalty. Well, that's all I have found out while reading about this series and what I saw in the OVA Episode One. And should I add this is one of my favorite Gundam storyline and animations, I was just blown away.

    merged: 09-06-2010 ~ 09:48pm
    I meant He's kinda fallen in love with HER, (big misspell), as Links said he just wanted her, Audrey, to at least say she needed him, Links. And Links sister is much older.

  4. sena2001 Mar 28, 2011

    good picture. thank you very much so mush.^^

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