
Mitsurugi Wallpaper: Solitude

Namco, Soul Calibur, Mitsurugi Wallpaper
Namco Studio Soul Calibur Game Mitsurugi Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I really hope this one doesn't get deleted =w='
If it does, I just won't submit wallpapers, just drawings from now on >O>;;;
Please don't get deleted xD;

I started this at 5:30 am and finished around 6:45 am
Did I mention today was a school day? D:<
I got up to do this for my sister who is set to leave for Iraq on the 25th of this month and no matter how much I try and beat photoshop into her head, she just doesn't get it ._______.
So she requested that I make her a Mitsurugi wallpaper before she leaves :I
I liked how it came out and she liked how it came out so horah! 8d
What's written in Japanese is solitude

Photoshop Cs3 was used to make this :O

That white is not supposed to be there! ;O;
To hell with JPEG
I like PNG better >:T

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  1. ArPharazon Feb 24, 2010

    I really like the overall inky fell of your wallpaper. I would like to see a wide-screen version though.

    Great job anyway.

  2. Luceferous Feb 24, 2010

    Oh thank you! :D
    I'm not a big fan of the inky stuff but my sister is >w<;
    Wide version eh?
    I'll try ;o;
    I'm still learning on submiting wallpapers and stuff xD

  3. AnRi7 Feb 04, 2011

    Awesome! thanks for sharing!^^

  4. kenseipinoy Feb 12, 2011

    Very cool, Mitsurugi! Always cool!

  5. Harper-chan Feb 15, 2011

    Awesome! I love the background!

  6. Gutoide12 Feb 17, 2011

    The samurai of Samurai is here!

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