wow! you seriously did this w/o having a tablet?
im so jealous!>.< i wish i can make such good wallies like yours!
oh my. i love how you made the bg.
and of course, i adore how did everything!
+favie! :)
Hi! im here again trying to dont lose the practice Y.Y.
i have been really inactive this month XD
ok this is the original scan
this are the steps of my work (^o^)/, they make a better description of the work XD, plus im reallyyyyyy tired
well i though i will never finish this X_X.
tool: laser mouse >:D (its true i dont have a tablet T_T)
time : 2 WEEKS XD
Software: photoshop and Corel Painter X.
Coments and favs are welcome. enjoy it
more resolution at
Browse Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Gallery: Recent | Popular.
wow! you seriously did this w/o having a tablet?
im so jealous!>.< i wish i can make such good wallies like yours!
oh my. i love how you made the bg.
and of course, i adore how did everything!
+favie! :)
This is a pretty deep wallie. I love the value and how the light shines on her. Wonderful job. Cant wait to see more from you. ^^
You have a wonderful taste and your wallpapers are simply amazing!
I just loved it!
merged: 02-20-2010 ~ 07:13pm
You have a wonderful taste and your wallpapers are simply amazing!
I just loved it!
It is pleasant as she is looked from a back
Nice concept! you still manage to create a nice bg without a tablet :)
The scan you use fits the your bg and i love the lighting on her. +fav! ^^,
great job!
very cool
Thank you so much!
my..u created the bg without any references O.O..that's cool...XD
i love ur painting and the colors too...only that it's still have leak color..
but overall it's a good wall..:3
wow! very nice texture and colours *v* i love the background!
I like it so much
It's a great job :)
holy... omg! an other amazing wall from you i love it xD simply beautiful
Whoah! Nice job on this :) I love everything about this. Great work.
the WIP scan makes this even better. Great work!
ooo i like feels quite nostalgic for some if she's reminiscing about the past...very nice~!
Very nice image~~
Thanks for sharing !
OMG, you are very talented! When I saw the step of your work, I just can't believe that somebody can make something so awesome ^^
a fallen angel in a wonderful hell
Thanks for the great wall
really great job and like what you did with the scan you chose.
how beatifull she is looking you did a great work
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