
Inuyasha Wallpaper: Sleeping Beauty Sesshoumaru

Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Vector Art Wallpaper
Inuyasha Series Sesshoumaru Character Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I wanted to create a sleeping and beautiful Sesshoumaru in a dress. But I didn't draw him as a woman. He is still a guy. XD
I've used this image as a template and vectored Sesshoumaru, the background and changed a lot of things. Hope you like it! :D

First I just updated my wallpaper instead of submitting it again but then I thought "noboby will look at it". XD So I'll just replace my old version with this one. What have I changed? The black outlines. The old version looked like this: http://img641.imageshack.us/i/sessho.jpg/
I think it looks softer now with the colorful outlines but I didn't have the psd file anymore so maybe the quality of the wallpaper got a few degrees worse after saving it in jpeg again. ^^'
I'm thankful to MapleRose because of her comment I decided to change the black outlines but I was too lazy until now. ^^°
You are welcome to write your comments even if you say that it looks weird! XD

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  1. Eimin Nov 16, 2006

    Really beautiful, I'm a sucker for guys in dresses ;)

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 16, 2006

    Love the soft colors and the vectoring is well done. Great job!

  3. Lady-Lotus Nov 16, 2006

    aww....how pretty! i really like the soft colors for this one. what a beautiful smile, totally beautiful. nice job!

  4. Elyvania Nov 17, 2006

    Lol from a far I though that this one was a Sailor Moon wallpaper XD because it really looks like Serena's mother, the queen of the moon. I like how you worked the image and the colors you choose, it looks quite feminine ^__^.

    Since I don't think of it as Sesshoumaru (because you created a new character in here XD ) I will add this wall to my favorites because I like the woman you created (the sleeping beauty) not the man crossdressed as a woman lol (because I cannot understand crossdressing and I don't like it at all hahaha), so yay! another lovely wallpaper to my favorites. Ok, thanks for creating this lovely wallpaper.

  5. annakee Nov 17, 2006

    really nice vector work. is the style that i like most ^_^

  6. Sakuma-chan Nov 17, 2006

    wahh, so lovely~ me has a great weekness for guys in (wedding) dresses. Like it a lot! And it is very well done, too~ *favs*

  7. BlackRoses Nov 17, 2006

    You're really good at using drawing and vectoring! o.o He's so cute XD
    Great job! +fav! ^^

  8. pamkips Nov 19, 2006

    he's so preety O____O
    I simply love the soft tones you used
    and the vectoring is nicely done too

  9. lthnadml Nov 27, 2006

    mmm i like this doujinshi-vector-wallpaper, i like the style and the soft tones. . . i like your doujinshi too . . . nice work! ;)
    Thank you so much for the share! XD XD XD

  10. IzumiChan Nov 27, 2006

    Nya! XD XD XD
    I still can't believe on it! XD XD
    It's very funny and cute... but yeah, he looks like a woman... XD
    Pastel pinks and yellows are soft and calm... cute~ XD
    Good work! ;)

  11. MapleRose Retired Moderator Jan 22, 2007

    Lol, Sesshoumaru in a dress! now that's a rare sight XD Wonder what the fangirls (and Inuyasha) would say to that ^__~ where on earth did you come up with a concept like that ;)

    Nice drawing, I say you did a nice job with the watercolours actually. I like the way you coloured the background and the highlights on his dresss.

    But the wallpaper itself is awesome too :) Nice vectoring job, very clean, and good use of textures and gradients (me likes his hair gradient). hehe, such peaceful and pretty expression that he's got. I see that you've removed some jewelry from the original (though the details on those carefully manicured nails are nice -- I wonder where he got his nails done :D) I love those flowers btw, and the pastel palette works nicely ^^ My only complaint would be the black outline you've used for his dress and face, it looks a little out of place in the pastel palette, and esp since you've used no outlines or coloured outlines for everything else.

    anyway, awesome work! ;)

    merged: 01-22-2007 ~ 02:35pm
    btw what happened to his fluffy? :D (and ooh look he has two hands :D

  12. krisjunaeien Nov 13, 2008

    wierd, very very wierd, sorry =/

  13. jaeyu Feb 19, 2010

    LOL...it's so funny
    thanks 4 sharing

  14. vitaamin Feb 20, 2010

    there are alot of extraordinary things going on in this wall. its simple but nice on the eyes and not overdone which is great. i only wish the background were darker so he wouldnt blend as much. and the windows are a bit too straight IMO.
    good job none the less

  15. stepupparty Feb 20, 2010

    You have a wonderful taste and your wallpapers are simply amazing!
    I just loved it!

  16. ngakyuklim Feb 22, 2010

    HAHAHAHAHA! a girl version? cool! i like the texture and backgorund <3 Sesshoumaru too. hahaha XD

  17. ideal Feb 24, 2010

    Just an unusual sight, but still it looks really nice. ^_~

  18. HoshinoSora12 Feb 25, 2010

    this looks really cooool!

  19. Steffi1690 Moderator Sep 07, 2010

    I love Sessy! But in your wall I miss his evil aura! He looks too kind and peaceful!

  20. XxEliDarkangelxX Dec 08, 2010

    ......wow. He's wearing a dress. Absolutely lovely, don't get me wrong but....wow....

  21. SolemnSerpent Jun 23, 2011

    I would've never thought to bring Inuyasha and Sleeping Beauty together, however the concept of Sesshomaru as Sleeping Beauty, meshes nicely in this wall. I love the soft, colors and aura. Great work.

  22. sandumirabela Dec 28, 2011

    Well I hope a little bit of critique is good too...I like the concept overall and I love the softness in it but don't you think it's too soft, too lacking clour, somehow I'd picture it darker because it's really upsetting for one's eye.....one likes a wall more if he/she can usei t as a desktop too and this is the category I could never put on my desktop because it would be too whitish also one tends not to separate his face from the rest of the background, I think clearer lines or draker better said around him would be better.
    And hmmm....he could sure use his usual fluff too, like sleeping beauty resting in tones of "fluff". About the hands, i am glad he has them both....I don't want to spoil stuff so I'll limit to this!

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