You've done a fantastic job on this pic. I'm currently a Clannad fan and this shot is emotional and deep. The coloring and the rainy BG brings out everything from the twins' hearts. Awesome job srsn. ^^

1920x1200 Wallpaper
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Yay! another vectored wallpaper! I was kinda unhappy when I did an extraction wallpaper, for one thing, I wasn't used to extraction and another is that I didn't spend quality time with that Katoku wallpaper... that's why I imediately did a vectored wallpaper Weeeee....
Firstly I want to thank Kitten! She gave me the idea to use a raining BG! Kitten check out beside my signature ^^.
The characters was taken from a screenshot in kyou's chapter
hydrangea from here:
process picture is available below
I first did the line art of the characters then the hydrangeas. How did I do my hydrangeas? hm... I used the pink and violet part in the scan then combined it. It took me a while to did it . It was very hard because I didn't do a lineart of the hydrangea. just immediate coloring of it and shadowing and it was hard doing each petals, Phew! Next came the basecoloring of the characters.
I lost the idea of the BG when I reached stage 3 of the process. I asked Kitten for help. She suggested to do a rain BG and so I did it She also sent me a couple of scans as references and I thank her for that. it was really a because challenge because I don't know how to do a rain BG.
"Because we are twins,
loving the same person means hurting each other,
That's why,
We can't love the same person..."
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mbeckley Feb 15, 2010
Kitaan Retired Moderator Feb 16, 2010
Aww, you're so sweet~
You did a very fantastic job on this wall, you should really
give yourself more credit for doing such a nice job on making this
really come together and look realistic.
I think the sky needs a more added gradient, a simple white and black
to give the sky more depth and a dramatic look. The gradient should make
the back darker and have it gradually get lighter as it reaches Kyou and Ryou.Awesome job on this <3
pureblood98 Feb 17, 2010
waw... such an emotional wallpaper!
HoshinoSora12 Feb 19, 2010
cute! very cool, nice job thanks for share
princessmeyrin023 Feb 20, 2010
This is an indeed remarkable emotional wallpaper. Kyou and Ryou are so neatly vectored. The colors matched the sadness of the wallpaper's concept. The background fits the characters and the hydrangeas very well... because hydrangea means rainy season in Japan.. so it says :) Good Work...
+FAV -
crmc13 Feb 26, 2010
EternalEthelion Mar 07, 2010
gosh are they pitiful
thanks for the angst XD -
NagisaAmashi Mar 08, 2010
this is a very very very amazingly well done wallpaper! the twins in this picture remind me alot of me and my twin... i guess that is why i had to fave it. hehe the rain is so DRAMATIC i ? it! great job!
akika Mar 10, 2010
so very very sad....>_< but nice wallie~ makes the atmosphere quite suitable..thanks for sharing!
chanttel Jun 16, 2010
yes,that's it,because we are twins........
rlmpg Jun 21, 2010
Thanks for share this wallpaper.
fitarol15 Sep 01, 2014
Sad Scene----But i love ur work nice wall
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