
Shugo Chara Wallpaper: Angel Cradle

Peach-Pit, Satelight, Shugo Chara, Utau Hoshina, Vector Art Wallpaper
Peach-Pit Mangaka Satelight Studio Shugo Chara Series Utau Hoshina Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My first wallpaper of Shugo Chara ^__^

I like the scene when Utau be a character with El, so I scanned it scene and then vectoring it....

And then.... This wallpaper is birthday present for my lovely best friend in Minitokyo, Sin-chan!
Happy birthday, happy birthday! I hope you have a SUPER SUPER SUPER AWESOME birthday because you deserve it :D :D :D ! Hehehe.... And sorry for this late present! Sorry again because I cannot give you better present because I'm so busy so I finished this wall in hurry (and now I can't fix it cause my computer have to be repaired T___T)

It took less than 1 month to vector. I think this is first time I used pen tool in PhotoShop, since all my wallpaper before was finished with lasso tool (for the lineart). Ahahaha, the reason is because I don't know how to vector with pen tool before and I have no time to get used with pen tool. But, in holidays, I have so many free time, so I can learned it well. The most difficult part to vector is Utau's hair and the wing and her dress.... Yeah, it's difficult part, but I think I enjoyed it too.

Just took 1 night to finshed it, lol. Ahahaha, if only I could vector picture that fast too.... I'm a little confused about the wallpaper. I have 2 version of the background: first I want Utau to fly over the night city and the other version is just simple with Utau fly over cloudy sky. I want to walling with the first option, but I have no time, so I chose the second option. But, if I have any time, of course I will make the first option XD XD

shugo-chara colorful-wallies indonesianese my-maiden vector-wallers manga-holics free--wallers wings-lovers cafe-tb

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  1. animanga Feb 15, 2010

    The vector is gorgeous but you need a more creative BG.
    There could be a hole in the clouds to a city beneth or even a generic sparkly castle or something. XD
    You need a greater colour variation of blues and purples in the sky, and even if you are just going to have clouds they need to be better defined and varied so they're pretty to look at.
    Like this: I'm a Angel and I'm back by KiyanaIkebana
    But good job on the vector, you handled the shading of the white really well. :)

  2. Onikami Feb 15, 2010

    This wall is really cute! I haven't seen this Anime yet but I must admit I'll have to go watch it now. XD

    Really nice & well done, thanks for sharing! ^^

  3. Sinever Feb 15, 2010

    thank you so much for the sweet present, I totally love it ^^
    you've vectored Utau very nicely & the sky looks lovely, well done & its a fav!

  4. ngakyuklim Feb 15, 2010

    wow nice wallpaper! i love wallpapers that includes sky!

  5. Kurorisa Feb 15, 2010

    I love this one XD
    I always wanted someone to wall this :3
    cuma kayaknya rambut utau terlalu terang trus lebih bagus kalo di bawahnya bkan awan doang
    ada pemandangannya gitu ^^
    trus di sayapnya kayak banyak warna yang kelewat garis ya?
    udah deh segitu aja :D tapi keren kok +fav

  6. crmc13 Feb 15, 2010

    uwaa. she's so cute.<3 i really love her!
    the vector is so neat.:)

  7. Sanniq Feb 15, 2010

    Kawaii! <3
    Really nice wallpaper.thank you for sharing <3

  8. rizacaga Feb 15, 2010

    vectornya keren mizu...cuma mungkin shadesnya perlu agak gelapan lagi...terus masih ada warna yang keluar dibagian sayap...dikit..atau mungkin itu karna mizu turunin opacitynya di outline nya kali...

    aku suka koq ide bg nya....tapi kayanya awannya dibikin rapian lg terus sama kaya vectornya...bagian shadenya digelapin dikit....
    oiya ma warnanya..kayanya agak terlalu putih....coba klo mizu bikinnya warnanya lebih bervariasi kaya ada sentuhan warna merah...biar lebih manis..kaya orangnya (yang ngaku2) XD..alah...

  9. sniper-gamma Feb 17, 2010

    baru liat neh... wkwk...
    bagus jg... Xp

  10. HoshinoSora12 Feb 19, 2010

    simply beautiful, i have no words!

  11. KinomiyaMichiru Feb 23, 2010

    I like how you made Seraphic Charm blue instead of pink.

  12. tahaithanh1108 Mar 15, 2010

    aku suka koq ide bg nya....tapi kayanya awannya dibikin rapian lg terus sama kaya vectornya...bagian shadenya digelapin dikit....

  13. deathaz Mar 21, 2010

    good, and its a angel for me ^^ ty for sharing

  14. hanahitotsu Apr 14, 2010

    So pretty ^_____^ Thanks for sharing <3

  15. iTenshi Apr 19, 2010

    blue seraphic charm ^^ cool

    thx 4 sharing this cute pics

  16. CrazyMialuvsAnime Apr 29, 2010

    thanx for sharin love the colours she really does look like an angel

  17. JDRukia May 05, 2010

    This is an awesome wallpaper.

  18. zylfairy Mute Member May 09, 2010

    Beautiful angel, thanks for sharing.

  19. MikuruAngel Aug 04, 2010

    Love this picture of Utau.
    Great job. :D

  20. Ndongtri89 Aug 21, 2010

    Angel is very beautiful!
    I so much Shugo Chara

  21. sayonara7 Oct 02, 2010

    I LOVE the picture but there's just to much blue in the picture for my liking. If Utau's dress was another colour or the BG was then the colour scheme wouldn't clash and it would be perfect~ Oh but I do love it!

  22. MiniKofini Nov 07, 2010

    I love this picture *___________*

  23. Daiya-san Dec 24, 2010

    Is beautiful!
    thx for upload!

  24. charista Jan 26, 2011

    very pretty. thanks for the upload

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