
D Gray-Man: Light and Magic

Katsura Hoshino, TMS Entertainment, D Gray-Man, Crown Clown, Allen Walker
Katsura Hoshino Mangaka TMS Entertainment Studio D Gray-Man Series Crown Clown Character Allen Walker Character


Artist Comment

First submission in long long time, and first submission for this year too !

The story of this work is quite long, first of all started working on it in October. Originally wanted to make a black and white ink piece of it (which I'm still going to do), but wanted to colour it with copic markers before starting the ink version. Well I ended up colouring the lineart and got almost till the end, only missing the background colour at the moment. And while thinking the suitable background colour for the traditional version, I got this idea of trying to paint it digitally.

I got tablet around October too, but haven't really got inspiration more than just doodling and geting used to using it. Anyway, I wanted to experiment a bit with paint tool sai and played with the colours on the piece coloured by copics. So in the way I just blended the colours done by copics digitally. First there wasn't supposed to come any result, but kinda got hooked up and just coloured it till the end. So this is my first piece of art done by digitally and using tablet.

It's not seriously perfect masterpiece or amazing or anything ~ just a dull mix of colours if you ask me, though I'm kinda proud of that dull mix of colours xD I know it's quite rough ~ could have done lots of smoother work than it is now, but I wanted to have a bit of the idea of a painting into it. And I was supposed to add more vivid light into it, but it was harder than I expected. So the lighting is not exactly what I wanted, but still quite satisfied. And hey, I finally got something finished !

Anyway, thought to share this with you guys and don't give too harsh critique about the colouring, please ! I'm still learning digital, so give me mercy xD Constructive critique and comments are welcome as always as favies as well (if i get any) ~ ?

PS: If anybody is interested seeing the copic version submitted, just say so ~ okies ? *gives cookies to everybody*

EDIT: Aaah, poo, it's gone so pixelated Dx Why, oh why... I hate jpeg-form...Ggggrrrrr xD

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  1. rainsworth Feb 06, 2010

    omg very beautiful *---------*

  2. Nualla Feb 06, 2010

    Thank you for the cookies, guess I'll be going then.... no just kidding ^^ . Well because I'm not a professional at giving good qritique I guess I'll just say what I think of it.

    For your very first digital work I'd say that you did quite a good job here. Besides everyone has to start from somewhere. Just keep practising and soon you'll be able to do those masterpieces. The best thing in this is definitely those wings! You have succeeded brilliantly at making them. And I also like the simple dark background. Sometimes simple things are better than too detailed ones. Now the flowers are maybe a little bit rubber-like and in some places the petals look very thick. But I like the soft looking colouring. And with the hair too, just more practising and they become better too.

    Now as you can see I'm really poor at commenting but I hope this was more encouraging than the other way around. But like I've been saying keep practising and you'll become better. This deserves a whole plate of pancakes with lots of cream and strawberry jam. And of course an add to favourites ^^ . I hope you'll have a lovely day ~~ <3333

    PS: If you find my stupid spelling mistakes then go ahead and laugh.

  3. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Feb 06, 2010

    Waaaaaa Zefie... sugoi! For your first digital piece it is really good! I like the hexagonal pattern as well as the blending of colors in Allen's hair. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to watch how your next piece turns out! ^_^

  4. MapleRose Retired Moderator Feb 08, 2010

    I love your colouring, esp how Allen's hair fades into the background. But I mostly love the colour choice: the bright golds of Timcanpy (his wings are awesome) against the cool blue of Allen, very nice contrast =D

  5. irfaanb90 Feb 08, 2010

    very nice artwork here :>


  6. 3nforcer Feb 09, 2010

    i love it, its very beautiful!
    the best i ever saw on d.gray-man!


  7. Spriggan Feb 09, 2010

    *shocked* experienced or not with the digital colors, Im clearly not seeing any difference, not like im a pro or anything..but anyway, beautifully done my dear! and i mean it :) I just dont know what to say, the colors and blending are just so neat to me, just like the overall artwork itself.
    Impressive work Zefie, love it! One of your best job..if not the best so far....but hey, am I not saying that everytime you pull out something new!? heheh
    Keep them coming!

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