
Anime Wallpaper: In The Shadows

Unidentified Wallpaper
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1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

A very simple wallpaper. I love it alot. If you think had enough you can image soo many feeling in it. You can feel sadness, lonelyness, desperation, hatred. I can't realy image any good feelings in it but maibe it would be something like; calmness, relaxsaion, peace. I hope you can tell me what you think she is feeling at that moment. My personal opinion is that she is feeling hatred but at the same time she is feeling regret for the things she has done that led her to the emptyness she is in now.

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  1. mbeckley Feb 02, 2010

    I like this wallie. I can really feel her emptiness from within her and other strong emotions. Awesome job. :)

  2. FHsierra1078 Feb 03, 2010

    this is so beautiful
    very strong emotions coming from such a simple piece.

  3. KiyanaIkebana Feb 06, 2010

    This wall make a good impression! I love the wings, specially the black wing. :3

  4. Elves Feb 08, 2010

    I like the suggestion of clouds in the background. That really makes the focal point the girl and her wings. I agree that there are many emotions that can be pulled from her expression.
    One thing that's bothering me is the shade of black on her wings vs. her outfit. The outfit is a "velvet/shiny" black representation, while the wings are more of a matte black. Which, in reality (wings on people is reality?) this is right on par for the course, but I think that here it makes the wings seem detached from the girl. Like someone obviously photoshopped them on her, so to speak. Maybe take a little "velvet/shine" off her outfit, cause I like how the wings look a lot.
    The balance of the wall is a tad off too. There's a bunch of empty space, which I like, but how she's placed in it is almost dead center. I think it'd be more interesting if the character image was somewhat larger and her wing tips were nearer to the top right corner.
    Yea for simple walls! The grayscale usage is great! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. antonella Mar 13, 2010

    is so poetic i love this wall ;DD

  6. tahaithanh1108 Mar 15, 2010

    this is so beautiful
    very strong emotions coming from such a simple piece.

  7. seto182 Apr 21, 2010

    Wow great picture :D Thanks for sharing :D ^^

  8. kelesit Oct 04, 2010

    beautiful woman,or an angel?

  9. hachinobou Jul 07, 2011

    it makes me teary just to look.... its beautiful!

  10. DarthTofu Dec 18, 2011

    It is simple, but I love it, too! I agree with your description; there's a lot of feelings in here.

  11. rotten180 Jul 18, 2013

    As a response to what you posted for the description, in the momment im listening to some music feeling a little bland. looking at the art has made me feel better some how, like the angel has shown that there is infact hope in this world(im saying this cause bad things have been happening lately for me, but generally to yes that there is hope). But yes the art depicts hope in my opinion. Well im definitely fav-ing it, but yes again, keep it up! :)

  12. NanaDraw Nov 01, 2014

    Beautiful! I feel it like she is so lonely, full of regret, but at the same time, hoping that something wil happen because she seems to search something in the sky. Or may be she is just remembering something painful.
    Thank you for this emotional wallpaper :)

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