Lovely, the light effects are really well done :D
Artist Comment
Nodame <33333
Yay I managed to make Nodame wallpaper! XD!
Firstly I painted her, then her chair, then vectored/painted the piano XD I'm so thankful I have one at home so I
knew what is what XD in the end I made the background, just a tiny bit more sparkly then the snapshot ;)
~<3 Sparkly stuff <3~
I was making it for three days, three nights to be exact.. now when I think about it, all the times when I was working
on it were after midnight XD!
it you find a mistake it's because I was sleepy, ignore ;)
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Melisandre Feb 01, 2010
thingperson Feb 01, 2010
Oh my gosh how you did this was just amazing O.O. She just looks so realistic I love how you did the light on her and how real it looks and the way you painted her to such detail, everything is so smooth and soft it looks like a art book picture and to do this from a screen shot oh my *shocked*. I love the sparkle look to it gives it a more magical look. This is just so pretty you are just so talented.
ala21ddin21 Feb 01, 2010
FIRST!Love love love it^^ So nice shining light, beside the good skills and techniques you used, I love this scene, so romantic (even it's not a love scene XD) ^^
Great wallpaper, far away you better one for me! Keep it up!+FAV
kunogi09midori Feb 01, 2010
Lovely painting. Nice work on the lighting and Nodame's dress look beautiful^^
Piccolobear Feb 01, 2010
Well done, i adore the image you chose and i think you did very well adapting it to a wallpaper. I am a sucker for 'sparklies' when they're done right, like you have here. ^_^
I only wish Nodame's face was a bit more detailed, but it wasn't even in the screencap.All in all, I love it! Thank you! ^_^
crmc13 Feb 01, 2010
seriously, i havent watch nodame cantabile anime, i watched the live action.
but as i look at this wallpaper i cant help to fall inlove with it.:)
super love this. & i like the lights.
M2Vz Feb 01, 2010
*w* *noticed how good the sparkling stuffs are*
nuuu your sparkly walls are always pretty ;_____;
i love how you painted her :D you made her look so full of expression. like she's pouring her heart into playing the piano~ <3
the light is very pretty :3
it must have been hard vectoring the piano O.o oh wow you have a grand piano too? wonderful~ :D+fav
Alenas Retired Moderator Feb 01, 2010
Lol, you really love the sparkles, don't you? XD
I love the way you painted her hair and dress and the lighting looks so gorgeous and magical compared to the almost dull screenshot. Nice job! XD
chanelqueen17 Feb 01, 2010
THe light effects are pure love <3 me loves everything sparkly!
It shows: simplicity is always best :3 Great work Onpu-chan! XD
Tksll Feb 01, 2010
Music it's magic : Great sensation, good brain and light ^^
Thanks for this paint it's very beautiful and perfect !
chrisp Feb 02, 2010
wahh there you go my sparkling friend :3
i dunno anything bout this anime or manga or what ever
all i know this looks great *_* i love piano, i love sparkling and ligh, and i love blue, man it has everything in it <3
ok the exeption is the girl, ME NEEDS HAWT GUY xDD
but that would be just an extra :P -
DreamBell Feb 02, 2010
I love music and Piano is my main instrument that I play! For three days that is quite good. Not much to comment other then great job on the Piano part XD. ( I'm still fiddling around with the special effects on PS)
LystikinenaXP Feb 02, 2010
Nice! the light caught my attention, and I like sparkles alot too <3 hehe ^^. Ah the piano is just beautiful...Great work re-paiting that screenshot!
whirligig Feb 03, 2010
it's very lovely scann...
thank you^o^ -
Evangelynn Feb 03, 2010
Awww now I love Pianos ! ^^
Great WOW ! O_O
Hikari87 Feb 03, 2010
this is pretty! ^^ thank you~
Namine Feb 03, 2010
I loved *-----*
It's very beautiful
xD -
HoshinoSora12 Feb 03, 2010
i have no words, pretty wall! xD
ngakyuklim Feb 04, 2010
wow. that's really beautiful! i love the shining colours and the sparkles! XD
budjong Feb 04, 2010
wow i really love Nodame..hopefully you could make more. i really love this anime!
divine-darkness93 Feb 05, 2010
sweet dreams with a sweet melody..........
Sakimi-chan Feb 05, 2010
eu adorei *-*
esta muito fofo ^^ -
princessmeyrin023 Feb 06, 2010
A wall made with a screenshot? This is so good... the effects were soft and they're not distructing. I love wallies like this and good job!
may1590 Feb 07, 2010
sooo....peaceful and beautiful!
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