I loved this screencap ever since I first saw it <3
I've seen many works with Hitsu from it, but never the whole thing walled.
You made me happy =u=
There are only a few jagged lines to complain about, the rest looks good.
Artist Comment
I know it didn't end up very perfect XD But the wall is just the way I wanted it to be :D
I wanted to do it for a long time but I was afraid of painting mountains (with a reason, I still can't paint them
well XD But then, why would that stop me from making the mountains wallpaper with Hitsugaya XD?
The original idea for this wall was to put Ichigo in the background falling from a mountain with an avalanche :D But then that somehowly got away while making this :( Maybe some other time :)
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Sakura-Dust Jan 03, 2010
Alenas Retired Moderator Jan 03, 2010
I think those mountains in the back and some snow on the tree could look more defined, but other than that, Hitsugaya in the snow is pure luff! Me likes it! XD
HeavenlyJeanne Jan 03, 2010
Isto sto rekoh na Ap-u!
Thank you!
*skace uokolo od srece*
mammonlovesmoney Jan 03, 2010
Toshiro and a cold not separable parts
niko2niko Jan 03, 2010
toshiro is so sexy! * -
trofikabinet Jan 03, 2010
Looks awesome Nicole <3
I feel there's something missing in the bg though, don't know what exactly :/
Still, this wall is great, featured at CoK. -
vitaamin Jan 03, 2010
the bg is a bit messy in fullview--you should try walling in larger resolutions and sizing down so you dont lose detail.but aside from that i really think its a lovely wall. great to see some good winter scenes.
kunogi09midori Jan 03, 2010
Here comes the number 1 character in Bleach (Hitsugaya is rank no. 1 from Japan's most fave Bleach character) I love this scene... but I prefer the blue-less one. It's feels colder. I just think the black lines around his eyes too dark.
I'm happy there's a new quality wallpaper for him (>_<) -
Emiri1987 Jan 04, 2010
This just became my new favorite wallpaper *_*
Really nice work on it *favorites*
lastwilight Jan 04, 2010
Wow. Beautiful wall. You cleaned up that screenshot wonderfully and then some. Thanks for sharing! Hitsugaya is so cool...and yes, pun intended.
crmc13 Jan 04, 2010
kyoshiro! such a lovely winter wall.<3
as expected.^^
oh my. i wanted to be beside him! -
thingperson Jan 04, 2010
Oh my gosh, Im just like in wow of this..O.O. He looks hottness and your vector of him is wow. Your colors, shading, and the shadows you used im just amazed. I love how you did his eyes and hair the details they just look so real. And I love the snow it looks so real to, it just has this snow feel but its not transparent either. I love the trees and plants in the background and the mountains I just love I love how you did them such detail would have drove me crazy..lol. Even your clouds and sky are so soft and pretty and goes with the colors and look of this. You are just so talented. I just love this..*smiles*.
Peach Jan 04, 2010
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaouh ! so nice
Echolen Jan 04, 2010
I love it! The colors are prefect!
FHsierra1078 Jan 05, 2010
me likeee <3
perfect winter scene :) -
Lolipedo Jan 05, 2010
Toshiro look cool here. You did a great job <3333
zero3 Jan 05, 2010
nice wallpaper., you did a good job... hihi... how i wish i can make some nice wallpapers like your's too... hihi... keep it up...
DreamBell Jan 05, 2010
WOO~ you came up with a wall so fast! I still working on mine ~"~ This wallpaper looks great but as for the critiques I will convey them in a different fashion! you'll see lol
From: Dreambell
powernakiami Jan 05, 2010
realmente refrescante very cool!
enriquex60 Mute Member Jan 05, 2010
muy buena imagen....... esta genial (^__^)
mbeckley Jan 06, 2010
Amazing background. Perfectly fits Shiro-chan's persona. I love it. Awesome job! ^^
bonitachika792 Jan 07, 2010
It looks really nice!
How did you repaint it though seeing how that snapshot was a pretty small image compared to the size of the wallpaper. Do you use it as reference and paint by what you seeing or do the sort of trace painting? -
nosfere Jan 07, 2010
It looks really nice!
great winter scene -
Kikiyo Jan 07, 2010
Toushiro is so smexy~! thx
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