
Clannad Wallpaper: New Year wishes

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Kotomi Ichinose, Nagisa Furukawa, Member Art Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Kotomi Ichinose Character Nagisa Furukawa Character Member Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Happy New Year to all Minitokyo member ^_^ like last year it's time for my new year gift to u all, specially to Clannad lovers and my friend here. (Full view plz ^_^)

about this doujinshi:
Program : Photoshop CS4
Layer : 82 layers
PSD size : 4096 x 3072
time : a whole year?

i planned (making rought sketch) this doujinshi maybe around chinese new year 2009 (around feb 09) but never actually finish it. at that time i just making the concept, i even not remember the reason i make it like this. after a few month i finish the rought sketch but but not yet decide the clothing. after that i forgot about this sketch an remember it around mid year. and sketch the kimono. and again it became forgoten. around august when i sorting my harddisk i see it again, and make it into final lineart. but the coloring done on early december.
as seen on anime on new year jap people usualy go into shrine to pray. and sometime tie their luck fortune on a tree. thats the concept of this doujin. and why i chose Kotomi and Nagisa because they are my fav char on Clannad.

a few things u need to know: (this include for all my previous drawing)
1. the line was a little different from my latest wall since around november i change how i make line.
2. from the beginning i never scan a picture i make, that means i never draw on paper (since the result really bad). so all the doujinshi and wallpaper i make here all were done with photoshop no other program used.
3. i don't have any tablet so all the drawing is done by mouse, so don't ask why it take so long for me to draw one

well i hope u like my gift. Happy new year to u all ^_^

As usual any +fav or comment are apriciated ^_^

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  1. lenaelric Dec 31, 2009

    so cute, much beautiful =D

  2. crmc13 Dec 31, 2009

    at last. ive been waiting for your new wallpaper!
    wow. a doujinshi.^^
    i love this!:D
    especially the scene!

  3. excaliburer Jan 01, 2010

    pohonnya terlihat lebih real daripada charanya... hehe...
    tapy... great job e2-san! kimononya kerend...

  4. Sopsi Mute Member Jan 02, 2010

    So cute :3 I love your wallpaper, simply amazing^^

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. niluyasha Jan 03, 2010

    colors male me see WOW exellent

  6. bluesnowyee Jan 03, 2010

    awesome~ nice pic, thks for sharing XD

  7. Twiheaven Jan 14, 2010

    Clannad is my fav anime...the're awesome

  8. Tevy Jan 20, 2010

    Los colore, el brillo de los ojos y el efecto de vision, es simplemente sorprendente el trabajo.

  9. PrairieDogGuy2006 Jan 24, 2010

    Once again, I see kawaii onnatachi wearing their kimomos, I'm just a fool for falling in love w/ the lassies wearing their kimonos :-) Thanxs for the share :-)

  10. kyopi81 Jan 25, 2010

    Nagisa so cute thaks for upload

  11. animenintendo Feb 09, 2010

    que hermosa imagen, la exprecion de Nagisa y Kotomi, es muy alentadora que me emociona, y que bien se ven con esos kimonos puestos parecen angeles.

    el significado es un bonito recuerdo de los deseos de las persona, quienes se aprecian y se cuidan mutuamente, es muy hermoso que dan animos para seguir viviendo. gracias

  12. sosbrigadenya Sep 27, 2010

    This is So Cute. Kotomi is just... *lost in words* :D

  13. Randyly Oct 28, 2010

    nice wall thnx 4 sharing ^^

  14. theartmaster Nov 12, 2010

    very nice. colors and shading are a litle different than i am used to but very nice

  15. ediith Dec 28, 2010

    que liindo se mira aww me gustta

  16. emiyapendragon Dec 31, 2010

    oh so cute a very nice thnx for sharing

  17. 790806014 Jan 30, 2011

    pohonnya terlihat lebih real daripada charanya... hehe...
    tapy... great job e2-san! kimononya kerend...

  18. 769161702 Mute Member Feb 01, 2011

    pohonnya terlihat lebih real daripada charanya... hehe...
    tapy... great job e2-san! kimononya kerend...

  19. cracket471 Mar 14, 2011

    amo clannnad esta muy weno..!

  20. Garry Mute Member Mar 17, 2011

    Nagisa so cute thaks for upload

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