lag seeing and niche are sooo cute!
<3 it thank you for posting it

2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Wallpaper of Tegami Bachi (aka Letter Bee)
Vectored screenshots to compile it all together. Something went wrong with the file, didn't wana redo a bunch of
stuff so just used the last known backup file. Couple of things are wrong but anywho.
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kappiec Dec 31, 2009
comic300 Jan 14, 2010
Vectored screenshots to compile it all together. Something went wrong with the file, didn't wana redo a bunch of stuff so just used the last known backup file. Couple of things are wrong but anywho.
gouch May 28, 2010
Thank . I love gouch > < ~ forever
Reya-Konomi Mute Member Jul 09, 2010
kawaii ne.
Thanks for sharing.
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