
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Zack and Mickey

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Terra, Ventus, Mickey Mouse
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Terra Character Ventus Character Mickey Mouse Character


Got really excited after hearing that zack is gonna be in kingdom hearts: birth by sleep.
All the more reason to buy that game.
Just happen to stumble upon this scan. Enjoy. XD

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  1. KenrenTaishou Dec 25, 2009

    One of my dreams comes true!

    Finally they decided to put Zack in the game! ;0;
    Thanks for the scan and news!

  2. uprootingdatree Jan 07, 2010

    WHAT No Way! HEEEe''ssss soo cute, and so young, omy gosh this is the peak of the level here! I can't wait till it comes out now!

  3. yoelkrishna Feb 06, 2010

    What in the World! I thought Zack died at the end of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, there's no way he came alive again, did he use phoenix down?

    merged: 02-06-2010 ~ 06:12am
    different clothes like the game, but nice pic.......XD

  4. Ashen-Phoenix Mar 03, 2010

    Ahhh, man corset. XD Thank you so much for posting! New art - 'specially sneak peeks - are always a blast for me to see!

  5. YuuhiHime Mar 04, 2010

    ZacK! Uah! He's in the GAME!*very excited* 8d

  6. Sarutobi Jul 10, 2010

    oh my! is that wat zack will look like!? i thought he'd be older! COOL

  7. Naruto773 Banned Member Aug 10, 2010

    It's so beautiful!
    I can't wait to play it!

  8. LO-JJANG Oct 12, 2010

    But-- isn't that Ventus ?

  9. CLUlovesBREAK13 Feb 22, 2011

    It's so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

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