Finally, now I can say I'm using your wallpaper officially ! Love it, really do!
....It's been so long since my last proper wallpaper.
Anyways Happy Holidays everyone~!
and Happy [late-ish] Birthday to Yamaro and very belated
one to Hayashinomura~!
this one has been in my WIP file since....around 6 month ago. I was almost going to abandon it, well I'm glad I
decided to go on and finish it.
60% of the work here was done half a year ago and the rest recently -3- so you might see some differences here and
there, I tried covering them up..//
in case you are wondering, those things on the windows are supposed to be moss, then again if calling them plants suit you better then they're plants :3 that background was a pain >.> I scrapped the old one and went through many other ideas to settle with this one.
I'll upload this to AP later along with the other I'm workin on hopefully will finish before christmas.
as usual, critiques welcomed :3 I'll see what changes I can make :D
Here's the vector if anyone wants it.
now I'm wondering when I'll ever do another vector
:D thanks for all the advice, I added some changes in the glows and shades
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Finally, now I can say I'm using your wallpaper officially ! Love it, really do!
this one looks cool! nice coloring! thanks for sharing!
the curtains >_< i mean they just dont match the style of the vector at all. and the yellow lighting in the
background makes me uneasy, i feel like the curtains dont reflect this tone.
i think the cracked floors and stuff were a great concept, and i kind of wish you took it further and got rid of some of
the curtains along the way >D
Amazing! i LOVE IT! You've done a wonderful job! +fav
Omfg it's finally done! I've been waiting ages.
I'll write my wall of text on AP. DX
fantastic job...XD
the color is just so you...and much details...i love it...+fav
I think it's brilliant *.*
I love the vector really much, it's done perfectly. The details of the bg are really great, the hole in the floor
is a great idea and I love that doll thing in the corner xD The curtains are pretty but somehow they don't match
the vexeling you did on Vincent =__= The styles are too different. And the last thing, prolly the most problematic is
the window. The yellow light is not working really well with the wall. It's a good contrast to blue but it's
not blending in with the rest. There are parts that are supposed to be highlighted by the sunlight, like the endges of
the sofa & Vincent too. And the scenery outside the window is awkward. It lacks details, right now it's too
I'll stop ranting now and I'm gonna feature it at CoK ^^
I love it! The details are really great!
I've always loved your paintings and this is no exception. The concept of the background fits in well in the scan
and Vincent's dormouse chain hiding in the corner is really cute <3
The main thing that stick out for me is the lighting. The light source is coming from behind so Vincent and the chair
seems a bit too bright. So maybe if you darken them but leave more highlights on the edges, it might help them blend in
The window looked a bit awkward at first, but after staring at it a bit, I find it quite charming and it really does fit
into the desolate atmosphere :3
Great work <3
Thank you so much! I love it! <3
Colors are wonderful.
Curtain looks really awesome!
Oh my gosh im in wow of this..O.O this is so awesome Vincent looks so great in this. I love how you did him, his outfit with the shadows and colors and his hair to I would think that would be so hard but you did a great job and the background wow..I mean this looks like a screen shot from the anime oh no even better because this is so creative and artistic. I love the blending and colors and shadeing you used on the draps looks awesome. Even the floor wow looks great with the right angles to give the wallpaper depth like he really is in a room and the shadows in the right places and the blue in it. I love the idea with the moss on the windows it makes the windows look so real looking and it fits the series because of the 100 year time thingy and the 10 year one. So creative. I love how you did the chair he is sitting on to, the shading looks awesome in that and so do the colors. O.o im just so amazed by it, I would have gone crazy from doing such an hard wall with so many colors, blending, shadows, shading im like in wow O.O. But you made it so pretty and creative and did such an great job on it I love it you are just so very talented..*smiles*.
Gorgeous *.*
I love everything in it, it's simply flawless and it's Vincent too *melts*
wonderful vector art <3
beautifully done!:D
yay! A new wall from you, I was waiting to see one :3 I really love it! Your vector skills are amazing, as always. I'll be waiting to see the new one xD
YAAAAAAAAY you finally uploaded this
been waiting for so long, after a birdie showed me your wall before :))))
not spoiling who it was and if you know "it" dont be mad at it :))
i requested to see lol.... anyway love it, curtains rock and also the background
i think behind window colors would be a lot more better with orange tone, to get in touch with his hair color more
anyway i love you so much for doing this
upload it to ap its perfect :)))
Owwww..... how gorgeous and brilliant~....
thank you very much for this awesome present! *hugs*
Really love it! <3
It's really cool, and fufufufufu...... I LOVE DARKNESSS!
Your skill in coloring always amazed me.... and it's so details....
Again.... thank you very much for this COOLY DARK AND GORGEOUS WALL! *HUGGGGGSSSSS*
Got nothing to say here..the only thing i really really love on this wall is
the colors of your checkered floor. Overall nice concept + the color scheme. +fav! ^^,
i actually like the curtain though i feel there may be a bit too much of it
Loooove the vector job you did on this. It looks so pretty and amazing. I don't really mind the curtains, but I do agree that the yellow lighting in the background looks kind of out of place. I'd also add the shadow of the sofa on the floor cause right now it looks kind of float-ish...
Other than that, I really like this. And the cracked floor looks awesome. XD
wonderful job!like the color and the environment!
oh goodness. love this wallpaper.^^
Copy/Paste from AP. :3 (Heh I think I'm the only person that does it from there to here. xD)
x3 Gorgeous wallpaper. I love the colors for some reason... it's bright but kinda gloomy (in the good way) at the
same time.
I love his hair and the curtains, especially~ (And the moss. Nice touch. :3)
I'm not a fan of Vincent, but he's sure is cute! not as cute as Gilbert, but XD
beautiful work! i love what you did to his hair, and curtain, and the lightning!
Great wallpaper!
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