
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Highly Animated

Shiro Amano, Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Goofy, Donald Duck Wallpaper
Shiro Amano Mangaka Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Goofy Character Donald Duck Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is just a small side-project I spontaneously started Saturday. And no, that alliteration was not intended but is totally amazing. I is on break from college~

Anyhow, I've been working on my wallpaper for the New Years Resolution challenge given by vector-wallers, but I also promised something to my friend (who probably would kill me if I put her real name here) LatteJazz. I didn't know what to vector her because she is a die-hard Final Fantasy fan, but I couldn't find any good scans to work with that would actually get finished. So, she was like "just do whatever." As she also likes Kingdom Hearts, hopefully this is OK LJ.

Scan used:
Kingdom Hearts

Found this scan, loved workign on it, etc. I minimized A LOT of detail I realize, like outlines and shadows, but only because I wanted to highlight the simplicity of this moment. Hopefully that translated?

Texture used found @ Feel Resources. Patterns found via Google Image Search. Neither belong to me.

This wallpaper was not so much to work on my vectoring technique, rather than it was fun~

Hope you like it, LatteJazz~!

- court.


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  1. Echolen Dec 20, 2009

    Oooh psychedelic! I really love it!

  2. vitaamin Dec 21, 2009

    the colors and design are brilliant
    i think the texture is really LQ though and a bit much
    and his skin tone i find way too yellow and dark.
    the text is great =]

  3. MystikalLam Dec 23, 2009

    Hey, nice Kingdom Hearts wallie! Cool textures and everything! :)

  4. Mepel Oct 27, 2010

    that picture is so funny haha :)
    thanks for sharing!

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