Ooh Wah!, Awesome! This Dark-blue theme suit perfectly ;D
1600x1200 Wallpaper
Lets see... i always wanted to make a Vocaloid wallpaper ..
Time taken: 4~5hrs
No. of Layers: 22
Of course lazy people like me decided to use renders and the render i used is from Suteki Renders.
Isn't it nice that renders exist..
Of course all sorts of brushes were used.. fractal brushes, abstract brushes, blurred line brushes, all sorts of gradients were used, stock images of checkered floors, old paper textures and more which could be found at Deviantart.
The bottom of the render is kinda light at first and the foreground seems weird as it doesn't seem to connect with
the background which is darker.. so i started to make the bottom of the wallpaper darker -_-'' wait my English
doesn't make sense but you guys should know what i mean..
Of course i decided to use my fave glowing stuffs that seem to appear in most of my wallpapers
I contemplated on whether i should include scan lines and decided not too.. xD
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Ooh Wah!, Awesome! This Dark-blue theme suit perfectly ;D
dark so cooolll
nice picture
like it
coool! nice effects! it's really cool! ^^ thanks for sharing!?
LOooove the darkness and the grungy feel and dark colors. You managed to create an awesome atmosphere. XD
Very cool what you did with that scan. :D
that wants cold the dark blue blackground very nice
*clap hands* it's always nice to see something that's not a vector XD Everyone seems to be vectoring now! [except lazy ppl like us who do not vector XD] Nice wallpaper! Good job with the photo manipulation and blending! ^^ you earn a fav! [And cookies and cream, but they're optional!]
Great use of the render! The brushes and blending are great!
Just one worded awesome^^
Damn that wallpaper looks amazing! good job ^^
Like the Color theme, don't know who this character is but still like the wally
So, SO, pretty! *0* I love the colors as well as the lighting effects/glowing thingies. :D Also the faded checkerboard pattern in the background looks really nice~
+faving, fer sure.
niceeeeeeeeeeee piccc !
it's so coooll ~
really amazing awesome!so nice pic , so cool!
(>_<) cool! thanks fpr this beautiful wallpaper
the attitude from this is really cool
*thumbs up *
c'est amazement mon amie~
This wallpaper is pure awsomness.
Que genial esta imagen por eso yeah!
cool and awesome..... when ever it's related to.... but it's cool.... ^^
so cool she looks hot man
Amaizing! I really love it <3
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