
Aoi Shiro (Shouko Osanai, Nami (Aoi Shiro), Kei Hatou, Uzuki Senba, Hatou Yumei, Sakuya Asama, Tsuzura Wakasugi)

Yuu Katase, Success, Akai Ito, Aoi Shiro, Tsuzura Wakasugi
Yuu Katase Mangaka Success Studio Akai Ito Visual Novel Aoi Shiro Series,Visual Novel Tsuzura Wakasugi Character


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  1. Kan-tastic Nov 29, 2009

    What is this, yuri day? ::shakes head::

  2. firesign727 Dec 03, 2009

    Freakin' Awesome pic! I love it! Thank you for sharing!

  3. blackstar4 Aug 26, 2010

    Thankyou so much for sharing this scan.

  4. firecaster-hikaru Aug 26, 2010

    cool picture you got. i am guessing that the light that is in the picture is the light coming from the ocean palace that is underneath the ocean.

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