as you know i'm going to like it anyways
this scene was so touching i think i cried XD
great job on the bg and vec also
keep it up ;D
Artist Comment
.. When we're apart...
wow thanx a lot for the elite <3
Happy bdays and
, hope you like them girls <3, best wishes my dear friends <3
omg........made another inuyasha wall XD
oh well, i just remembered how much i loved this anime, and especially after seeing this scene i just couldnt resist and
did it <3
the original image was [ screenshot ]from episode 8
and its quite spoiling episode, regarding kikyo so.......i should say to much just hid under the spoiler bwahhaha
Spoiler (show)
so.............thing is anyway, he loved her :( and she did too, not to mention the number of times she wanted to kill
him for "betraying her" aka killing her on begining of the anime, and ofc, she resurected LOL XD
and also planning to do this image [screenshot]
star brushes are made by LadyVictorie on DA
cause i couldnt make star brushes by myself and i liked them the most <3
other than that, this is kinda more complicated than those uploads before this one, so just full view and such
[done in 3 hours and 50 layers]
and if someone wants without the dirt, i will make him version like that <3
as for the resolution this resolution was the original one, i will crop them for animepaper though, cause mt does not
have 3 resolutions sistems so im sticking with this one....if you dont have ap account, tell me your resolution and i
will crop it for you :)
oh the title comes from a song :no dream can heal a broken heart: by Sonata Arctica <3
enjoy <3
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chrisp Nov 27, 2009
Valuna Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2009
You're so cool, Oyakata-sama!
*Pawnches Yoru*
ala21ddin21 Nov 27, 2009
Nice wall, so romantic ^^
Pulver15 Nov 27, 2009
For me? For real? Do you know how suprised I am?
This is so LOVEEE!
cause it's night theme! you know I totally love this kind of walls! <3333
and I totally agree with you this scene was totalls drama T__T (how I hate those making me crying >__<)
ah your inuyasha walls remember me how much I loved this anime ^__^
and I really love it when you color your walls like this XD
vitaamin Nov 27, 2009
i find her eye a bit strange, and the sky should be darker, or at least have more contrast bc the foreground is so nicely contrasted
but aside from that i like this wall :D the simple bg works and the scene is adorable -
cygnet Nov 27, 2009
OMG! You're fast! I wonder how long it takes for you to make a wall. LOL.
Inu Yasha kissed Kikyo! It's beautiful yet so sad!
Simple and clean wallie~~ Good job Yoru-sama. -
kunogi09midori Nov 27, 2009
T_T I love this scene~ The shadings are so new for the art style in Inuyasha. Cool. Good Job ^^
naksanisama Nov 27, 2009
DANG, too bad it's not kagome!
haha, anyways - really awesome!i take it and make it to my wallpaper, okay? ;D;D
Emiri1987 Nov 27, 2009
That was a really sad episode. Seeing him cry brought me to tears :'D
Sakura-Dust Nov 27, 2009
I love Kikyo so much, this is a wonderful dedication to this tragic couple.
When IY Final will end I'll watch it whole for sure...
I love the shadows and texture. I wish the sky had more clouds or some soul lights in the air, for better atmosphere.
It's great nonetheless, I truly adore it <3 -
mbeckley Nov 27, 2009
Wow, this beautiful wallie juggles my memory. I really liked Kikyo, and she'll always be in a special place in Inuyasha's heart. Awesome job. :)
AnimeRoxz Nov 27, 2009
ZOMG! When was the last nice Inuyasha wallie again? it's been soooo long! definitely a fav! I don't really know(what to think) about their decision to have Final Act though...=.= I's like doing s sudden continuation of Salior moon! O_O Well I guess that was kinda what happened for Dragon Ball...
Alenas Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2009
Wow, such a beautiful scene....I really liked watching Inuyasha...until Takahashi made it into a way too long of a soap opera... XD;
Love the colors and the way you vectored them. Niiiice! XD
eindgul Nov 27, 2009
I gotta say - your wallpapers are really awesome...
YukiIce89 Nov 27, 2009
Beautiful wallpaper indeed!And it express very very good the tragedy of that scene.
I love it, great work! -
Taja Nov 28, 2009
i like it, good work XD very nice
darkheartknight Nov 28, 2009
*.* Kikyo~~~~~~ XD, really nice wallpaper. I don't really support this couple anymore, but I still love kikyo's character! Really beautiful wall, although the eye stands out a bit. I only watched up to where the 1st part of the anime stopped and skipped through the manga scenes to see kikyo xD.
MapleRose Retired Moderator Nov 28, 2009
Kikyou's eyes look kinda weird and creepy half-closed like that O__o I think it'd be better to have them closed >__<
kcocopuffs Nov 28, 2009
wow its realli well done and its realli romantic <3 i luv it :)
kikuchivn Nov 29, 2009
This wally is so special to me cause I've always love Kikyo. In this wally. Kikyo is in the arm of Inuyasha. She must be very happy. Thanks for sharing
j-valium Nov 29, 2009
its such a perfect wall, dont have words... i love this couple x3 the colors, the tears, the night... everything seens great ^^ awesome job!
eneru Nov 29, 2009
wonderful wall. that scene seriously made me cry ): it makes me wonder why so many people hate kikyo. it's sad, really.
z827 Nov 29, 2009
Kogome will get a stroke if she sees this XD
Great wallpaper btw. -
ealpha-scorpio Nov 29, 2009
T_T this scene really brought tears in my eyes. I has a big lump in my throat when Inuyasha kissed her. I love Kikyou so so much.
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