So lovely~
Thanks for sharing !^___^
About 30 layers, did in maybe half an hour. I know it's similar to my last one but I like this style for Miku. Fun and spunky. Also the Japanese might be a bit off... I used a translator lmao.
Browse Vocaloid Gallery: Recent | Popular.
So lovely~
Thanks for sharing !^___^
a bit bright but otherwise good walling, love the natural emptiness.
wow! another cool miku wall. I love the effects as well as you did on your
previous wall. The scan is cute though in some parts the extraction of the
scan had some rigid lines especially on her hair. The bg is simple but i dont
like the solid color bg, if you can't think of any good bg for your scan
maybe you use a texture to give some life. Overall nice effects as usual!
keep it up man! ^^, +fav!
So cute. Its pretty bright too.
wow miku is so sparkly here XD
This has a great use of color. What does the writing say?
it's so nice ~
thanks 4 sharing it ~
I love it !
She looks wonderful with the guitar !
a great pic ^^ miku looks good !
thank you *
very cool! thanks for the up!
Wow ~ Really Awesome and Kawaii >___<
I love it ?
Thx you for shared & +fav :D
This is really nice, thanks.
Great color use! SOOO CUUTE!
great wall, love it
thanks for sharing
If! Miku with Guitar is brilliant ^^
nice picture
thanks for sharing
Love this! Thanks very much.
Love this! Thanks very much.
nice one! this wall trully wonderfull!
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