he looks cool
awesome vector
1600x1200 Wallpaper
I know this character is from Pandora Hearts, but I haven't watched the series yet. Is it worth the watch?
When I saw this scan, the first thing that came to my mind was Alice in Wonderland, and I don't know why. Even after I finished this wall, I still can't figure out why i thought of Alice in Wonderland at first.
I vectored and painted the scan. It took me about 3 days to finish the character. and another day deciding what BG to have. I finally settled for this chains and checkers. I drew the chains with a mouse and vectored it. The flooring wasn't that hard to do.
Browse Pandora Hearts Gallery: Recent | Popular.
he looks cool
awesome vector
oh!, awesome wall, Break looks very cool, I love it!, now direct to my desk.
saludos suzukaseed
I very like the chess cages
You did such a wonderful job on this wall~
The coloring is very nice. I also like the reflection on the floor along with the effects on the chains. :) Heh, the
wall seems to give off a mysterious yet dark look, which I like. It fits Break nicely. ;3
OH. Btw, Pandora Hearts is totally worth the watch (and read, the manga is win).
Your tingling Alice in Wonderland vibes were correct~ For Break wields the Mad Hatter for a chain. Heh. There are a lot
of things that tie in with the series that have to do with Alice in Wonderland, heck, one of the main characters is
named Alice. xD
You'll just have to watch or read it to find out more. :3
Anywhoodles, great job on the wall~
+faving. :D
Wow!^^ So nice=) Thanks for sharing
I love the dark background~! ^_^
Thanks for sharing!
COol ! Love It ! :D thanks for sharing !
Awesome ! XD
yeah! Its worth the watch ! Better read the manga tho, I think, coz the anime hasn't ended yet, so the 25th ep left
us hanging in the mid
good atmosphere?very nice....
Wow, the chains are nice considering that you drew them yourself, very niceyy ;P
But yes, Pandora Hearts is like a twisted Alice in Wonderland story, but I loved it ^^ one of my favorite anime.
this is so awesome! fitted well with the environment!
Thank you for sharing..! ^^
ahhhh that's nice this series with all you have and the occasional bloody scene xD but worth see
thanks for the contribution
I love Pandora Hearts ^ ^
Break ! I love this pic and black wallpaper
thank you for sharing..! ^^
i love darkness.............................
I love this anime, thanks for the beautiful wallpaper!
Nice share.
Thx very much
Very nice wallpaper ^^
Thanks for sharing !
thank you for the image ^_^
Break is awesome whereever he is
I love this anime
It's kinda fantasy
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(...) fantastic
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