
X Wallpaper: Kamui and water make love <3

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, Kamui Shirou Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series Kamui Shirou Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


I dedicate this Kamui to Yamibou-Eve! <3!
Because me knows she loves him and she dedicated her beyond wall to me.. it was first time anyone dedicated anything to me.. it was so sweet.. XD

*it's tommorow I promised to write description*

Good Morning people! *yawn*
I wanted to wall this ... for a long time, ok I just wanted to wall Kamui, and I picked this scan few months ago... It was my secret project, only one person knew what I was doing (love you <3) and I needed really lots of time to make it 0_0!
It wasn't very hard to paint Kamui, I mean, that was pure drooling, really *_*
but when it came to background, me and the other person had a serious discussion about it and we decided that he must be in water!
If CLAMP taught us anything, it would be this: Kamui looks good in water!
*i have proves for this, really*
and so water
I don't know how to paint water ;_;
and I needed a month of thinking so I could go and try and do this water in a few hours =w= making it way too easy, lol
I picked the white lines from some other watery scan, panted them and added some texture, and darker spots, and it looked like water XD brilliant isn't it?

Yamibou-Eve ---> I'm so glad you liked it ^___^! I know it's very bright for a wallpaper, but when I tried darked the background went so distractiong on Kamui that it just wasn't worth it XD

chamber-of-kings vector-wallers mangaholics clamp-a-holic vectory

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  1. Kritty Nov 02, 2009

    *____* Its so soft
    And his hair is so perfectly clamp-esque
    You must teach me you water making skills ;____;
    His mouth looks a little odd to me, I think its the lack of darker shade where the lips meet.
    Its still <3 though

  2. AngelSammy24ever Nov 02, 2009

    Wow! Very nice indeed, i love how u did the water it looks real ^_^! This deserves a fav and 5 stars ^_^

  3. mbeckley Nov 02, 2009

    This is pretty. The water really reflects his personality. ^^

  4. Yamibou-Eve Nov 02, 2009

    omg a dedication <3<3<3
    *___* a Kamui dedication! ;_;
    He is so beautiful, I'm not going to properly comment this... I'm just going to drool... *touches screen*
    Kamui ^////^
    Sleep child, don't miss you homework because of me...
    *hugs Kamui wall* *melted*

  5. Alenas Retired Moderator Nov 02, 2009

    Wow, he's gorgeous! And the water also looks so awesome. Me likes it a lot! XD

  6. icegaze77 Nov 02, 2009

    kamui looks awesome in the water background. beautiful wall. well done!

  7. Miitsuky Nov 02, 2009

    OMG *O*/die

    This wall look awesome >-<!
    Luv him so much <3/

    The water, the hair and KAMUUUIII *O* are perfect!
    Thanks for sharing XD!

  8. Kitaan Retired Moderator Nov 02, 2009

    I really love the water, you did a nice job on it.
    I kinda feel like Kamui isn't blending in the water right...
    kinda makes it look like jello lol

    You colored it so nicely, his face is really smooth.
    The hair looks a bit sloppy to me, the way you colored it
    just looks off...but his eyes are great, nice detail.

    Great job altogether ^^

  9. EevaLeena Nov 02, 2009

    So pretty! Love how you did Kamui. The color's soft and... just nice! And the water look amazing too!

  10. TomoyoYumemi Nov 02, 2009

    I love this pic and the way you made the vector.

  11. kuryuki Nov 02, 2009

    <33 wow i love the water you painted there *0*

  12. SakuraMizu Nov 02, 2009

    This is so pretty. I love CLAMP, especially Kamui.
    And you've done very well on the vector, ur vector looks soft and smooth and awesome.
    I love ur work. ^__^

  13. aneznam Nov 02, 2009

    <3 I adore it & you <3
    this is just a comment of love cause i have nothing smarter to say right now :3

  14. Sinever Nov 02, 2009

    I really love how you did the water, its totally cool :3
    anyways well done & its a fav! xD

  15. HeavenlyJeanne Nov 02, 2009


    One simple word!

    Nothing more! =3

  16. trofikabinet Nov 02, 2009

    Wow, this wall is wonderful *.*
    I love how you painted his hair, looks so much like CLAMP and his eyes are really gorgeous <.<
    The water is nice too but somehow it doesn't blend together with Kamui :S And I spotted a small color leak on the top part of his hair where it touches with his right arm xD
    Otherwise, you did a fabulous job on this one, is a fav.
    And is a feature at CoK ^^

  17. kunogi09midori Nov 02, 2009

    Nice wallpaper! You picked a very nice scan of Kamui and you vectored it nicely plus the water is amazing too. Water suites Kamui.

  18. Echolen Nov 02, 2009

    I'm in love with his hair! *w*
    I have no idea how to paint water -__- Teach us o mighty master XD
    Great wall! <3

  19. mona12 Nov 02, 2009

    wow i love it and in the water sooo hot ^_^

  20. bromithia Retired Moderator Nov 02, 2009

    The water is awesome, and uh... yeah. :D Not sure about the hair, but whatever, it's a good wallpaper.

  21. crmc13 Nov 02, 2009

    wow. what a great wallie.^^
    kamui is....
    is.. too handsome!^^

  22. sjade1 Nov 02, 2009

    *glomps hot bishie* <3
    I think you just needed to add some more line work for the water and it wouldn't be a problem :).

  23. yumemi203 Nov 03, 2009

    BEAUTIFUL<3 Kamui looks so so so hot^^

  24. Pulver15 Nov 03, 2009

    I always loved this pic and finally someone did a wall of it!
    He looks really hot here1 <333
    Great wall! XD

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